Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2018 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @title 
# @author          :ch
# @contact
# @created         :08/06/2018
# @version         :1.0
# @python_version  :3.6.6
Dataset Interface

The module :mod:`data.dataset` contains a template for a dataset interface,
that can be used to feed data into neural networks.

The implementation is based on an earlier implementation of a class I used in
another project:

At the moment, the class holds all data in memory and is therefore not meant
for bigger datasets. Though, it is easy to design wrappers that overcome this
limitation (e.g., see abstract base class

.. autosummary::
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import numpy.matlib as npm

[docs]class Dataset(ABC): """A general dataset template that can be used as a simple and consistent interface. Note, that this is an abstract class that should not be instantiated. In order to write an interface for another dataset, you have to implement an inherited class. You must always call the constructor of this base class first when instantiating the implemented subclass. Note, the internals are stored in the private member ``_data``, that is described in the constructor. """ def __init__(self): # Internally, everything is stored in a certain structure, such that it # can easily be backuped (for instance via pickle). data = {} # Boolean: See attribute "classification". data.setdefault('classification', None) # Boolean: See attribute "sequence". data.setdefault('sequence', None) # Integer: See attribute "num_classes". data.setdefault('num_classes', None) # Integer: See attribute "is_one_hot". data.setdefault('is_one_hot', None) # A 2D numpy array, containing a sample input in each row (all samples # are encoded as single vectors.) data.setdefault('in_data', None) # A 2D numpy array, containing a sample output in each row (all samples # are encoded as single vectors.) data.setdefault('out_data', None) # List or numpy array: See attribute "in_shape". data.setdefault('in_shape', []) # List or numpy array: See attribute "in_shape". data.setdefault('out_shape', []) # List or numpy array: All row indices of "in_data" or "out_data", that # correspond to samples belonging to the training set. data.setdefault('train_inds', []) # List or numpy array: All row indices of "in_data" or "out_data", that # correspond to samples belonging to the test set. data.setdefault('test_inds', []) # List or numpy array: All row indices of "in_data" or "out_data", that # correspond to samples belonging to the validation set. data.setdefault('val_inds', None) self._data = data # These are other private attributes, that are not in the data dict # as there would be no reason to pickle them. self._batch_gen_train = None self._batch_gen_test = None self._batch_gen_val = None # We only need to fit the one-hot encoder for this dataset once. self._one_hot_encoder = None self._shuffle_test_samples = True self._shuffle_val_samples = True # TODO deprecate this attribute. Instead, distinguish between multi and # single label encoding. @property def classification(self): """Whether the dataset is a classification or regression dataset. :type: bool """ return self._data['classification'] @property def sequence(self): """Whether the dataset contains sequences (samples have temporal structure). In case of a sequential dataset, the temporal structure can be decoded via the shape attributes of in- and outputs. Note, that all samples are internally zero-padded to the same length. :type: bool """ return self._data['sequence'] @property def num_classes(self): """The number of classes for a classification task (``None`` otherwise). :type: int or None """ return self._data['num_classes'] @property def is_one_hot(self): """Whether output labels are one-hot encoded for a classification task (``None`` otherwise). :type: bool or None """ return self._data['is_one_hot'] @property def in_shape(self): """The original shape of an input sample. Note, that samples are encoded by this class as individual vectors (e.g., an MNIST sample is ancoded as 784 dimensional vector, but its original shape is: ``[28, 28, 1]``). A sequential sample is encoded by concatenating all timeframes. Hence, the number of timesteps can be decoded by dividing a single sample vector by ````. :type: list """ return self._data['in_shape'] @property def out_shape(self): """The original shape of an output sample (see :attr:`in_shape`). :type: list """ return self._data['out_shape'] @property def num_train_samples(self): """The number of training samples. :type: int """ return np.size(self._data['train_inds']) @property def num_test_samples(self): """The number of test samples. :type: int """ return np.size(self._data['test_inds']) @property def num_val_samples(self): """The number of validation samples. :type: int """ if self._data['val_inds'] is None: return 0 return np.size(self._data['val_inds']) @property def shuffle_test_samples(self): """Whether the method :meth:`next_test_batch` returns test samples in random order at every epoch. Defaults to ``True``, i.e., samples have a random ordering every epoch. :type: bool :setter: Note, setting this attribute will reset the current batch generator, such that the next call to the method :meth:`next_test_batch` results in starting a sweep through a new epoch (full batch). """ return self._shuffle_test_samples @shuffle_test_samples.setter def shuffle_test_samples(self, value): self._shuffle_test_samples = value self._batch_gen_test = None @property def shuffle_val_samples(self): """Same as :attr:`shuffle_test_samples` for samples from the validation set. :type: bool """ return self._shuffle_val_samples @shuffle_val_samples.setter def shuffle_val_samples(self, value): self._shuffle_val_samples = value self._batch_gen_val = None
[docs] def get_train_ids(self): """Get unique identifiers all training samples. Each sample in the dataset has a unique identifier (independent of the dataset split it is assigned to). Note: Sample identifiers do not correspond to the indices of samples within a dataset split (i.e., the returned identifiers of this method cannot be used as indices for the returned arrays of methods :meth:`get_train_inputs` and :meth:`get_train_outputs`) Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 1D numpy array containing the unique identifiers for all training samples. """ return self._data['train_inds']
[docs] def get_test_ids(self): """Get unique identifiers all test samples. See documentation of method :meth:`get_train_ids` for details. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 1D numpy array. """ return self._data['test_inds']
[docs] def get_val_ids(self): """Get unique identifiers all validation samples. See documentation of method :meth:`get_train_ids` for details. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 1D numpy array. Returns ``None`` if no validation set exists. """ if self._data['val_inds'] is None: return None return self._data['val_inds']
[docs] def get_train_inputs(self): """Get the inputs of all training samples. Note, that each sample is encoded as a single vector. One may use the attribute :attr:`in_shape` to decode the actual shape of an input sample. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 2D numpy array, where each row encodes a training sample. """ return self._data['in_data'][self._data['train_inds'], :]
[docs] def get_test_inputs(self): """Get the inputs of all test samples. See documentation of method :meth:`get_train_inputs` for details. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 2D numpy array. """ return self._data['in_data'][self._data['test_inds'], :]
[docs] def get_val_inputs(self): """Get the inputs of all validation samples. See documentation of method :meth:`get_train_inputs` for details. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 2D numpy array. Returns ``None`` if no validation set exists. """ if self._data['val_inds'] is None: return None return self._data['in_data'][self._data['val_inds'], :]
[docs] def get_train_outputs(self, use_one_hot=None): """Get the outputs (targets) of all training samples. Note, that each sample is encoded as a single vector. One may use the attribute :attr:`out_shape` to decode the actual shape of an output sample. Keep in mind, that classification samples might be one-hot encoded. Args: use_one_hot (bool): For classification samples, the encoding of the returned samples can be either "one-hot" or "class index". This option is ignored for datasets other than classification sets. If ``None``, the dataset its default encoding is returned. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 2D numpy array, where each row encodes a training target. """ out_data = self._data['out_data'][self._data['train_inds'], :] return self._get_outputs(out_data, use_one_hot)
[docs] def get_test_outputs(self, use_one_hot=None): """Get the outputs (targets) of all test samples. See documentation of method :meth:`get_train_outputs` for details. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`get_train_outputs`. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 2D numpy array. """ out_data = self._data['out_data'][self._data['test_inds'], :] return self._get_outputs(out_data, use_one_hot)
[docs] def get_val_outputs(self, use_one_hot=None): """Get the outputs (targets) of all validation samples. See documentation of method :meth:`get_train_outputs` for details. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`get_train_outputs`. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 2D numpy array. Returns ``None`` if no validation set exists. """ if self._data['val_inds'] is None: return None out_data = self._data['out_data'][self._data['val_inds'], :] return self._get_outputs(out_data, use_one_hot)
[docs] def next_train_batch(self, batch_size, use_one_hot=None, return_ids=False): """Return the next random training batch. If the behavior of this method should be reproducible, please define a numpy random seed. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`get_train_outputs`. batch_size (int): The size of the returned batch. return_ids (bool): If ``True``, a third value will be returned that is a 1D numpy array containing sample identifiers. Note: Those integer values are internal unique sample identifiers and in general **do not** correspond to indices within the corresponding dataset split (i.e., the training split in this case). Returns: (list): List containing the following 2D numpy arrays: - **batch_inputs**: The inputs of the samples belonging to the batch. - **batch_outputs**: The outputs of the samples belonging to the batch. - **batch_ids** (optional): See option ``return_ident``. """ if self._batch_gen_train is None: self.reset_batch_generator(train=True, test=False, val=False) batch_inds = np.fromiter(self._batch_gen_train,, count=batch_size) ret = [self._data['in_data'][batch_inds, :], self._get_outputs(self._data['out_data'][batch_inds, :], use_one_hot)] if return_ids: return ret + [batch_inds] else: return ret
[docs] def next_test_batch(self, batch_size, use_one_hot=None, return_ids=False): """Return the next random test batch. See documentation of method :meth:`next_train_batch` for details. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`next_train_batch`. Returns: (list): List containing the following 2D numpy arrays: - **batch_inputs** - **batch_outputs** - **batch_ids** (optional) """ if self._batch_gen_test is None: self.reset_batch_generator(train=False, test=True, val=False) batch_inds = np.fromiter(self._batch_gen_test,, count=batch_size) ret = [self._data['in_data'][batch_inds, :], self._get_outputs(self._data['out_data'][batch_inds, :], use_one_hot)] if return_ids: return ret + [batch_inds] else: return ret
[docs] def next_val_batch(self, batch_size, use_one_hot=None, return_ids=False): """Return the next random validation batch. See documentation of method :meth:`next_train_batch` for details. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`next_train_batch`. Returns: (list): List containing the following 2D numpy arrays: - **batch_inputs** - **batch_outputs** - **batch_ids** (optional) Returns ``None`` if no validation set exists. """ if self._data['val_inds'] is None: return None if self._batch_gen_val is None: self.reset_batch_generator(train=False, test=False, val=True) batch_inds = np.fromiter(self._batch_gen_val,, count=batch_size) ret = [self._data['in_data'][batch_inds, :], self._get_outputs(self._data['out_data'][batch_inds, :], use_one_hot)] if return_ids: return ret + [batch_inds] else: return ret
[docs] def reset_batch_generator(self, train=True, test=True, val=True): """The batch generation possesses a memory. Hence, the samples returned depend on how many samples already have been retrieved via the next- batch functions (e.g., :meth:`next_train_batch`). This method can be used to reset these generators. Args: train (bool): If ``True``, the generator for :meth:`next_train_batch` is reset. test (bool): If ``True``, the generator for :meth:`next_test_batch` is reset. val (bool): If ``True``, the generator for :meth:`next_val_batch` is reset, if a validation set exists. """ if train: self._batch_gen_train = \ Dataset._get_random_batch(self._data['train_inds']) if test: self._batch_gen_test = \ Dataset._get_random_batch(self._data['test_inds'], self._shuffle_test_samples) if val and self._data['val_inds'] is not None: self._batch_gen_val = \ Dataset._get_random_batch(self._data['val_inds'], self._shuffle_val_samples)
[docs] def train_iterator(self, batch_size, return_remainder=True, **kwargs): """A generator to loop over the training set. This generator yields the return value of :meth:`next_train_batch` prepended with the current batch size. Example: .. code-block:: python for batch_size, x, y in data.train_iterator(32): x_t = data.input_to_torch_tensor(x, device, mode='train') y_t = data.output_to_torch_tensor(y, device, mode='train') # ... .. code-block:: python for batch_size, x, y, ids in data.train_iterator(32, \\ return_ids=True): x_t = data.input_to_torch_tensor(x, device, mode='train') y_t = data.output_to_torch_tensor(y, device, mode='train') # ... Note: This method will only temporarily modify the internal batch generator (see method :meth:`reset_batch_generator`) until the epoch is completed. Args: batch_size (int): The batch size used. Note: If ``batch_size`` is not an integer divider of :attr:`num_train_samples`, then the last yielded batch will be smaller if ``return_remainder`` is ``True``. return_remainder (bool): The last batch might have to be smaller if ``batch_size`` is not an integer divider of :attr:`num_train_samples`. If this attribute is ``False``, this last part is not yielded and all batches have the same size. Note: If ``return_remainder`` is se tto ``False``, then it may be that not all training samples are yielded. **kwargs: Keyword arguments that are passed to method :meth:`next_train_batch`. Yields: (list): The same list that would be returned by method :meth:`next_train_batch` but additionally prepended with the batch size. """ bgen_backup = self._batch_gen_train self._batch_gen_train = None num_samples = self.num_train_samples batch_gen = Dataset._split_iterator(batch_size, num_samples, self.next_train_batch, return_remainder, **kwargs) for batch in batch_gen: yield batch self._batch_gen_train = bgen_backup
[docs] def test_iterator(self, batch_size, return_remainder=True, **kwargs): """A generator to loop over the test set. See documentation of method :meth:`train_iterator`. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`train_iterator`. Yields: (list): The same list that would be returned by method :meth:`next_test_batch` but additionally prepended with the batch size. """ bgen_backup = self._batch_gen_test self._batch_gen_test = None num_samples = self.num_test_samples batch_gen = Dataset._split_iterator(batch_size, num_samples, self.next_test_batch, return_remainder, **kwargs) for batch in batch_gen: yield batch self._batch_gen_test = bgen_backup
[docs] def val_iterator(self, batch_size, return_remainder=True, **kwargs): """A generator to loop over the validation set. See documentation of method :meth:`train_iterator`. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`train_iterator`. Yields: (list): The same list that would be returned by method :meth:`next_val_batch` but additionally prepended with the batch size. """ if self._data['val_inds'] is None: raise ValueError('Dataset has no validation set.') bgen_backup = self._batch_gen_val self._batch_gen_val = None num_samples = self.num_val_samples batch_gen = Dataset._split_iterator(batch_size, num_samples, self.next_val_batch, return_remainder, **kwargs) for batch in batch_gen: yield batch self._batch_gen_val = bgen_backup
[docs] def train_ids_to_indices(self, sample_ids): """Translate an array of training sample identifiers to training indices. This method translates unique training identifiers (see method :meth:`get_train_ids`) to actual training indices, that can be used to index the training set. Args: sample_ids (numpy.ndarray): 1D numpy array of unique sample IDs (e.g., those returned when using option ``return_ids`` of method :meth:`next_train_batch`). Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 1D array of training indices that has the same length as ``sample_ids``. """ return self._ids_to_indices(sample_ids, self._data['train_inds'])
[docs] def test_ids_to_indices(self, sample_ids): """Translate an array of test sample identifiers to test indices. See documentation of method :meth:`train_ids_to_indices` for details. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`train_ids_to_indices`. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 1D numpy array. """ return self._ids_to_indices(sample_ids, self._data['test_inds'])
[docs] def val_ids_to_indices(self, sample_ids): """Translate an array of validation sample identifiers to validation indices. See documentation of method :meth:`train_ids_to_indices` for details. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`train_ids_to_indices`. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): A 1D numpy array. """ if self._data['val_inds'] is None: raise ValueError('Dataset has no validation set.') return self._ids_to_indices(sample_ids, self._data['val_inds'])
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_identifier(self): """Returns the name of the dataset. Returns: (str): The dataset its (unique) identifier. """ pass
[docs] def is_image_dataset(self): """Are input (resp. output) samples images? Note, for sequence datasets, this method just returns whether a single frame encodes an image. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing two booleans: - **input_is_img** - **output_is_img** """ # Note, if these comparisons do not hold, the method has to be # overwritten. in_img = np.size(self.in_shape) == 3 and self.in_shape[-1] in [1, 3, 4] out_img = np.size(self.out_shape) == 3 and \ self.out_shape[-1] in [1, 3, 4] return (in_img, out_img)
[docs] def tf_input_map(self, mode='inference'): """This method should be used by the map function of the Tensorflow Dataset interface (````). In the default case, this is just an identity map, as the data is already in memory. There might be cases, in which the full dataset is too large for the working memory, and therefore the data currently needed by Tensorflow has to be loaded from disk. This function should be used as an interface for this process. Args: mode (str): Is the data needed for training or inference? This distinction is important, as it might change the way the data is processed (e.g., special random data augmentation might apply during training but not during inference. The parameter is a string with the valid values being ``train`` and ``inference``. Returns: (function): A function handle, that maps the given input tensor to the preprocessed input tensor. """ return lambda x : x
[docs] def tf_output_map(self, mode='inference'): """Similar to method :meth:`tf_input_map`, just for dataset outputs. Note, in this default implementation, it is also just an identity map. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`tf_input_map`. Returns: (function): A function handle. """ return lambda x : x
[docs] def input_to_torch_tensor(self, x, device, mode='inference', force_no_preprocessing=False, sample_ids=None): """This method can be used to map the internal numpy arrays to PyTorch tensors. Note, subclasses might overwrite this method and add data preprocessing/ augmentation. Args: x (numpy.ndarray): A 2D numpy array, containing inputs as provided by this dataset. device (torch.device or int): The PyTorch device onto which the input should be mapped. mode (str): See docstring of method :meth:`tf_input_map`. Valid values are: ``train`` and ``inference``. force_no_preprocessing (bool): In case preprocessing is applied to the inputs (e.g., normalization or random flips/crops), this option can be used to prohibit any kind of manipulation. Hence, the inputs are transformed into PyTorch tensors on an "as is" basis. sample_ids (numpy.ndarray): See method :meth:`train_ids_to_indices`. Instantiation of this class might make use of this information, for instance in order to reduce the amount of zero padding within a mini-batch. Returns: (torch.Tensor): The given input ``x`` as PyTorch tensor. """ # Note, this import is only needed for the functions: # input_to_torch_tensor() and output_to_torch_tensor() from torch import from_numpy return from_numpy(x).float().to(device)
[docs] def output_to_torch_tensor(self, y, device, mode='inference', force_no_preprocessing=False, sample_ids=None): """Similar to method :meth:`input_to_torch_tensor`, just for dataset outputs. Note, in this default implementation, it is also does not perform any data preprocessing. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`input_to_torch_tensor`. Returns: (torch.Tensor): The given output ``y`` as PyTorch tensor. """ from torch import from_numpy return from_numpy(y).float().to(device)
[docs] def plot_samples(self, title, inputs, outputs=None, predictions=None, num_samples_per_row=4, show=True, filename=None, interactive=False, figsize=(10, 6), **kwargs): """Plot samples belonging to this dataset. Each sample will be plotted in its own subplot. Args: title (str): The title of the whole figure. inputs (numpy.ndarray): A 2D numpy array, where each row is an input sample. outputs (numpy.ndarray, optional): A 2D numpy array of actual dataset targets. predictions (numpy.ndarray, optional): A 2D numpy array of predicted output samples (i.e., output predicted by a neural network). num_samples_per_row (int): Maximum number of samples plotted per row in the generated figure. show (bool): Whether the plot should be shown. filename (str, optional): If provided, the figure will be stored under this filename. interactive (bool): Turn on interactive mode. We mainly use this option to ensure that the program will run in background while figure is displayed. The figure will be displayed until another one is displayed, the user closes it or the program has terminated. If this option is deactivated, the program will freeze until the user closes the figure. Note, if using the iPython inline backend, this option has no effect. figsize (tuple): A tuple, determining the size of the figure in inches. **kwargs (optional): Optional keyword arguments that can be dataset dependent. """ # Determine the configs for the grid of this figure. pc = self._plot_config(inputs, outputs=outputs, predictions=predictions) # Reverse one-hot encoding. if self.classification: num_time_steps = 1 if self.sequence: num_time_steps = self._data['out_data'].shape[1] // \ one_hot_size = num_time_steps * self.num_classes if outputs is not None and outputs.shape[1] == one_hot_size: outputs = self._to_one_hot(outputs, True) # Note, we don't reverse the encoding for predictions, as this # might be important for the subsequent plotting method. num_plots = inputs.shape[0] num_cols = int(min(num_plots, num_samples_per_row)) num_rows = int(np.ceil(num_plots / num_samples_per_row)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) outer_grid = gridspec.GridSpec(num_rows, num_cols, wspace=pc['outer_wspace'], hspace=pc['outer_hspace']) plt.suptitle(title, size=20) if interactive: plt.ion() outs = None preds = None for i in range(num_plots): inner_grid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(pc['num_inner_rows'], pc['num_inner_cols'], subplot_spec=outer_grid[i], wspace=pc['inner_wspace'], hspace=pc['inner_hspace']) if outputs is not None: outs = outputs[i, np.newaxis] if predictions is not None: preds = predictions[i, np.newaxis] self._plot_sample(fig, inner_grid, pc['num_inner_plots'], i, inputs[i, np.newaxis], outputs=outs, predictions=preds, **kwargs) if show: if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
@abstractmethod def _plot_sample(self, fig, inner_grid, num_inner_plots, ind, inputs, outputs=None, predictions=None, **kwargs): """Add a custom sample plot to the given Axes object. Note, this method is called by the :meth:`plot_samples` method. Note, that the number of inner subplots is configured via the method: :meth:`_plot_config`. Args: fig: An instance of class matplotlib.figure.Figure, that will contains the given Axes object. inner_grid: An object of the class matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec. It can be used to access the subplots of a single sample via ax = plt.Subplot(fig, inner_grid[i]) where i is a number between 0 and num_inner_plots-1. The retrieved axes has to be added to the figure via: fig.add_subplot(ax) num_inner_plots: The number inner subplots. ind: The index of the "outer" subplot. inputs: A 2D numpy array, containing a single sample (1 row). outputs (optional): A 2D numpy array, containing a single sample (1 row). If this is a classification dataset, then samples are given as single labels (not one-hot encoded, irrespective of the attribute is_one_hot). predictions (optional): A 2D numpy array, containing a single sample (1 row). **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments that can be passed to the underlying plot function. """ pass def _plot_config(self, inputs, outputs=None, predictions=None): """Defines properties, used by the method :meth:`plot_samples`. This method can be overwritten, if these configs need to be different for a certain dataset. Args: The given arguments are the same as the same-named arguments of the method :meth:`plot_samples`. They might be used by subclass implementations to determine the configs. Returns: (dict): A dictionary with the plot configs. """ plot_configs = dict() plot_configs['outer_wspace'] = 0.4 plot_configs['outer_hspace'] = 0.4 plot_configs['inner_hspace'] = 0.2 plot_configs['inner_wspace'] = 0.2 plot_configs['num_inner_rows'] = 1 plot_configs['num_inner_cols'] = 1 plot_configs['num_inner_plots'] = 1 return plot_configs def _get_outputs(self, data, use_one_hot=None): """A helper method for the output data getter methods. It will ensure, that the output encoding is correct. Args: data: The data to be returned (maybe after a change of encoding). use_one_hot: How data should be encoded. Returns: See documentation of method :meth:`get_train_outputs`. """ if self.classification: if use_one_hot is None: use_one_hot = self.is_one_hot if use_one_hot != self.is_one_hot: # Toggle current encoding. if self.is_one_hot: return self._to_one_hot(data, reverse=True) else: return self._to_one_hot(data) return data def _to_one_hot(self, labels, reverse=False): """ Transform a list of labels into a 1-hot encoding. Args: labels: A list of class labels. reverse: If ``True``, then one-hot encoded samples are transformed back to categorical labels. Returns: The 1-hot encoded labels. """ if not self.classification: raise RuntimeError('This method can only be called for ' + 'classification datasets.') # Initialize encoder. if self._one_hot_encoder is None: self._one_hot_encoder = OneHotEncoder( \ categories=[range(self.num_classes)]) np.arange(self.num_classes), 1, 1).T) if reverse: # Unfortunately, there is no inverse function in the OneHotEncoder # class. Therefore, we take the one-hot-encoded "labels" samples # and take the indices of all 1 entries. Note, that these indices # are returned as tuples, where the second column contains the # original column indices. These column indices from "labels" # mudolo the number of classes results in the original labels. return np.reshape(np.argwhere(labels)[:,1] % self.num_classes, (labels.shape[0], -1)) else: if self.sequence: assert len(self.out_shape) == 1 num_time_steps = labels.shape[1] # // 1 n_samples, _ = labels.shape labels = labels.reshape(n_samples * num_time_steps, 1) labels = self._one_hot_encoder.transform(labels).toarray() labels = labels.reshape(n_samples, num_time_steps * self.num_classes) return labels else: return self._one_hot_encoder.transform(labels).toarray() @staticmethod def _get_random_batch(indices, shuffle=True): """Returns a generator that yields sample indices from the randomly shuffled given dataset (prescribed by those indices). After a whole sweep through the array is completed, the indices are shuffled again. The implementation is inspired by another method I've implemented: The method "random_shuffle_loop": from Note, to get reproducable behavior, set a numpy random seed. Args: indices: A 1D numpy array of indices. shuffle (default: True): Whether the indices are shuffled every epoch. If this option is deactivated, the indices are simply processed in the given order every round. Returns: A generator object, that yields indices from the given array. Example Usage: >>> import iterlist >>> batch_size = 32 >>> batch_generator = Dataset._get_random_batch(indices) >>> batch_inds = np.array( \ ... list(itertools.islice(batch_generator, batch_size))) Runtime Benchmark: What is a fast way to call the method? Note, that np.fromiter only works since indices is a 1D array. >>> import timeit >>> setup = ''' ... import numpy as np ... import itertools ... from dataset import Dataset ... ... indices = np.random.randint(0, high=100, size=100) ... ... batch_size = 32 ... batch_generator = Dataset._get_random_batch(indices) ... ''' >>> print(timeit.timeit( ... stmt="batch_inds = np.array(list(itertools.islice(" + ... "batch_generator, batch_size)))", ... setup=setup, number=100000)) 1.1637690339994151 >>> print(timeit.timeit( ... stmt="batch_inds = np.stack([next(batch_generator) " + ... "for i in range(batch_size)])", ... setup=setup, number=100000)) 6.16505571999005 >>> print(timeit.timeit( ... stmt="batch_inds = np.fromiter(itertools.islice(" + ... batch_generator, batch_size), int)", ... setup=setup, number=100000)) 0.9456974960048683 >>> print(timeit.timeit( ... stmt="batch_inds = np.fromiter(batch_generator, int, " + ... count=batch_size)", ... setup=setup, number=100000)) 0.871306327986531 """ num_samples = np.shape(indices)[0] arr_inds = np.arange(num_samples) i = num_samples while True: if i == num_samples: i = 0 if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(arr_inds) yield indices[arr_inds[i]] i += 1 def _ids_to_indices(self, sample_ids, split_indices): """Translate IDs to indices. Helper method for methods like :meth:`train_ids_to_indices`. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`train_ids_to_indices`. split_indices (numpy.ndarray): 1D array of indices belonging to a certain dataset split. Returns: (numpy.ndarray): See docstring of method :meth:`train_ids_to_indices`. """ if not np.all(np.isin(sample_ids, split_indices)): raise ValueError('Some of the given IDs are not in the dataset ' + 'split.') sorted_inds = np.argsort(split_indices) return np.searchsorted(split_indices[sorted_inds], sample_ids) @staticmethod def _split_iterator(batch_size, num_samples, next_batch_fun, return_remainder, **kwargs): """Helper method for methods like :meth:`train_iterator`. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`train_iterator`. num_samples (int): Total number of samples in dataset split. next_batch_fun (func): Function handle to obtain next batch. Yields: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`train_iterator`. """ curr_bs = batch_size n_processed = 0 while n_processed < num_samples: if n_processed + curr_bs > num_samples: curr_bs = num_samples - n_processed n_processed += curr_bs if batch_size != curr_bs and not return_remainder: break batch = next_batch_fun(curr_bs, **kwargs) yield [curr_bs] + batch def __str__(self): """Print major characteristics of the current dataset.""" return 'Dataset "%s" with %d training, %d test and %d validation ' \ % (self.get_identifier(), self.num_train_samples, self.num_test_samples, self.num_val_samples) + 'samples.'
if __name__ == '__main__': pass