Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @title          :examples/hypercl/
# @author         :ch
# @contact
# @created        :01/05/2022
# @version        :1.0
# @python_version :3.8.12
Script to run CL experiments with hypernetworks

This script showcases the usage of ``hypnettorch`` by demonstrating how to use
the pacakge for writing a continual learning simulation that utilizes
hypernetworks. See :ref:`here <exmp-hypercl-reference-label>` for details on the
approach and usage instructions.
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
from import PermutedMNISTList
from import get_split_cifar_handlers
from import get_split_mnist_handlers
import hypnettorch.utils.cli_args as cli
import hypnettorch.utils.hnet_regularizer as hreg
import hypnettorch.utils.sim_utils as sutils
import hypnettorch.utils.torch_utils as tutils
import numpy as np
from time import time
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

[docs]def load_datasets(config, logger, writer): """Load the datasets corresponding to individual tasks. Args: config (argparse.Namespace): Command-line arguments. logger (logging.Logger): Logger object. writer (tensorboardX.SummaryWriter): Tensorboard logger. Returns: (list): A list of data handlers :class:``. """ data_dir = './datasets' if config.cl_exp == 'splitmnist':'Running SplitMNIST experiment.') dhandlers = get_split_mnist_handlers(data_dir, use_one_hot=True, num_tasks=config.num_tasks, num_classes_per_task=config.num_classes_per_task, validation_size=config.val_set_size) elif config.cl_exp == 'permmnist':'Running PermutedMNIST experiment.') pd = 2 # Apply padding as in original paper. in_shape = [28 + 2*pd, 28 + 2*pd, 1] input_dim = # Ensure reproducibility for every call of this function! rand = np.random.RandomState(42) permutations = [None] + [rand.permutation(input_dim) for _ in range(config.num_tasks - 1)] # NOTE When using `PermutedMNISTList` rather than `PermutedMNIST`, # we have to ensure a proper use of the data handlers ourselves. See # the corresponding documentation. dhandlers = PermutedMNISTList(permutations, data_dir, padding=pd, trgt_padding=None, show_perm_change_msg=False, validation_size=config.val_set_size) elif config.cl_exp == 'splitcifar':'Running CIFAR-10/100 experiment.') dhandlers = get_split_cifar_handlers(data_dir, use_one_hot=True, use_data_augmentation=True, num_tasks=config.num_tasks, num_classes_per_task=config.num_classes_per_task, validation_size=config.val_set_size) return dhandlers
[docs]def test(dhandlers, mnet, hnet, device, config, logger, writer): """Evaluate the network. Evaluate the performance of the network on a single task on the validation set during training. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`train`. dhandlers (list): Datasets of tasks that should be tested. We assume that the index of the dataset corresponds to the index of the task embedding used as input to the hypernet. """ n = len(dhandlers)'# Testing network on %d tasks ...' % n) mnet.eval() hnet.eval() if config.test_with_val_set: logger.warning('Testing will be performed with the validation set!') with torch.no_grad(): accs = [] for t in range(n):'Testing on task %d ...' % (t+1)) data = dhandlers[t] # Get main network weights of current task. W = hnet.forward(cond_id=t) num_correct = 0 if config.test_with_val_set: iter_fct = data.val_iterator ident = 'validation' num_samples= data.num_val_samples else: iter_fct = data.test_iterator ident = 'test' num_samples = data.num_test_samples # The dataset interface provides easy ways to iterate dataset splits. for batch_size, x, y, ids in iter_fct(config.val_batch_size, return_ids=True): # The current batch is given as numpy data and has to first be # converted to numpy. X = data.input_to_torch_tensor(x, device, mode='inference') Y = data.output_to_torch_tensor(y, device, mode='inference') P = mnet.forward(X, weights=W) num_correct += int(torch.sum(Y.argmax(dim=1) == \ P.argmax(dim=1)).detach().cpu()) acc = num_correct / num_samples * 100. accs.append(acc)'Test - Accuracy on %s set: %f%%.' % (ident, acc)) writer.add_scalar('test/task_%d/accuracy' % t, acc, n)'Average accuracy on all trained tasks: %f%%' \ % np.mean(accs))'# Testing ... Done')
[docs]def evaluate(task_id, data, mnet, hnet, device, config, logger, writer, train_iter): """Evaluate the network. Evaluate the performance of the network on a single task on the validation set during training. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`train`. train_iter (int): The current training iteration. """'# Evaluating network on task %d ' % (task_id+1) + 'before running training step %d ...' % (train_iter)) mnet.eval() hnet.eval() if data.num_val_samples == 0: logger.warning('Cannot evaluate training without validation set!') return with torch.no_grad(): # Get main network weights of current task. W = hnet.forward(cond_id=task_id) num_correct = 0 # The dataset interface provides easy ways to iterate dataset splits. for batch_size, x, y, ids in data.val_iterator(config.val_batch_size, return_ids=True): # The current batch is given as numpy data and has to first be # converted to numpy. X = data.input_to_torch_tensor(x, device, mode='inference') Y = data.output_to_torch_tensor(y, device, mode='inference') P = mnet.forward(X, weights=W) num_correct += int(torch.sum(Y.argmax(dim=1) == P.argmax(dim=1)).\ detach().cpu()) acc = num_correct / data.num_val_samples * 100.'Eval - Accuracy on validation set: %f%%.' % (acc)) writer.add_scalar('eval/task_%d/accuracy' % task_id, acc, train_iter)'# Evaluating training ... Done')
[docs]def train(task_id, data, mnet, hnet, device, config, logger, writer): r"""Train the network using the task-specific loss plus a regularizer that should mitigate catastrophic forgetting. .. math:: \text{loss} = \text{task\_loss} + \beta * \text{regularizer} Args: task_id (int): The index of the task on which we train. data ( The dataset handler for the current task, corresponding to ``task_id``. mnet (hypnettorch.mnets.mnet_interface.MainNetInterface): The model of the main network, which is needed to make predictions. hnet (hypnettorch.hnets.hnet_interface.HyperNetInterface): The model of the hyper network, which contains the parameters to be learned. device: (torch.device) Torch device (cpu or gpu). config (argparse.Namespace): Command-line arguments. logger (logging.Logger): Logger object. writer (tensorboardX.SummaryWriter): Tensorboard logger. """'Training network on task %d ...' % (task_id+1)) mnet.train() hnet.train() ############################ ### Setup CL regularizer ### ############################ # The helper functions in module `hypnettorch.utiils.hnet_interface` provide # an easy interface for applying the desired continual learning # regularization to hypernets. # Whether the regularizer will be computed during training? calc_reg = task_id > 0 and config.beta > 0 # Regularizer targets. if calc_reg: if config.calc_hnet_reg_targets_online: # Compute targets for the regularizer whenever they are needed. # -> Computationally expensive. reg_targets = None # Checkpoint hypernetwork before training. # Instead of checkpointing the parameters, it might be cleaner to # checkpoint the whole model. prev_hnet_theta = [p.detach().clone() \ for p in hnet.unconditional_params] prev_task_embs = [p.detach().clone() \ for p in hnet.conditional_params] else: # Compute targets for the regularizer once before training, as they # don't change during training. However, this requires storing the # main network's parameters for each previous task. # -> Computationally efficient, memory expensive. reg_targets = hreg.get_current_targets(task_id, hnet) prev_hnet_theta = None prev_task_embs = None ######################## ### Create optimizer ### ######################## # Only the hypernetwork has parameters to be trained! params = hnet.parameters() # Just a helper function, you can create the optimizer using PyTorch # directly. optimizer = tutils.get_optimizer(params,, momentum=config.momentum, weight_decay=config.weight_decay, use_adam=True, adam_beta1=config.adam_beta1) ###################### ### Start training ### ###################### # Note, the user can decide to either train for a certain number of # iterations or specify a number of epochs per task. num_train_iter, iter_per_epoch = sutils.calc_train_iter( \ data.num_train_samples, config.batch_size, num_iter=config.n_iter, epochs=config.epochs) for i in range(num_train_iter): ### Evaluate network. # We test the network before we run the training iteration. # That way, we can see the initial performance of the untrained network. if i % config.val_iter == 0: evaluate(task_id, data, mnet, hnet, device, config, logger, writer, i) mnet.train() hnet.train() if i % 100 == 0: logger.debug('Training iteration: %d.' % i) ### Train theta and task embeddings. optimizer.zero_grad() batch = data.next_train_batch(config.batch_size) X = data.input_to_torch_tensor(batch[0], device, mode='train') T = data.output_to_torch_tensor(batch[1], device, mode='train') # Get weights of current task. weights = hnet.forward(cond_id=task_id) # Compute predictions on training batch via these weights. Y = mnet.forward(X, weights=weights) # Evaluate task-specific loss. labels = T.argmax(dim=1) loss_task = F.cross_entropy(Y, labels, reduction='mean') ### Compute hypernet regularizer ### loss_reg = 0 if calc_reg: # We use the corresponding helper function to compute the # regularizer. loss_reg = hreg.calc_fix_target_reg(hnet, task_id, targets=reg_targets, mnet=mnet, prev_theta=prev_hnet_theta, prev_task_embs=prev_task_embs, inds_of_out_heads=None, batch_size=config.hnet_reg_batch_size) loss = loss_task + config.beta * loss_reg loss.backward() optimizer.step() ### Tensorboard summary ### if i % 50 == 0: writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/loss' % task_id, loss, i) writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/loss_task' % task_id, loss_task, i) writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/regularizer' % task_id, loss_reg, i) train_acc = (labels == Y.argmax(dim=1)).sum().detach().cpu() writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/accuracy' % task_id, train_acc, i) weights_flattened =[d.clone().view(-1) for d in weights]) writer.add_histogram('train/task_%d/predicted_weights' % task_id, weights_flattened, i)'Training network on task %d ... Done' % (task_id+1))
[docs]def run(): """Run the script. #. Define and parse command-line arguments #. Setup environment #. Load data #. Instantiate models #. Run training for each task """ script_start = time() #################################### ### Parse Command-Line Arguments ### #################################### # One may use the helper functions provided in `hypnettorch.utils.cli_args` # to efficiently generate useful command-line arguments such as those useful # for selecting a hypernetwork architecture. # Note, the amount of command-line arguments specified here might at first # seem overwhelming, but most of them are not necessary for you to # know (see README for relevant ones) and they are all attached with a # description when running the script with `--help`. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='CL with hypernetworks') # Default output directory: dout_dir = './out/run_' +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') ### Continual learning arguments ### cl_agroup = cli.cl_args(parser, show_beta=True, dbeta=0.01, show_from_scratch=False, show_multi_head=False, show_cl_scenario=False, show_split_head_cl3=False, show_num_tasks=True, dnum_tasks=5, show_num_classes_per_task=True, dnum_classes_per_task=2, show_calc_hnet_reg_targets_online=True, show_hnet_reg_batch_size=True) # You can easily add your own arguments. cl_agroup.add_argument('--cl_exp', type=str, default='splitmnist', help='Which continual learning experiment should ' + 'be performed: SplitMNIST, PermutedMNIST or ' + 'SplitCIFAR. Default: %(default)s.', choices=['splitmnist', 'permmnist', 'splitcifar']) ### Training arguments ### # We only explore Adam as optimizer. cli.train_args(parser, show_lr=True, dlr=1e-4, show_epochs=True, depochs=-1, dbatch_size=32, dn_iter=1001, show_adam_beta1=True, dadam_beta1=0.9, show_momentum=True) ### Main network arguments ### cli.main_net_args(parser, allowed_nets=['mlp', 'lenet', 'resnet', 'wrn'], dmlp_arch='100,100', dlenet_type='mnist_small', dresnet_block_depth=5, dresnet_channel_sizes='16,16,32,64', dwrn_block_depth=4, dwrn_widening_factor=10, show_net_act=True, dnet_act='relu', show_no_bias=True, show_dropout_rate=True, ddropout_rate=-1, show_specnorm=True, show_batchnorm=True, show_bn_no_running_stats=True, show_bn_distill_stats=False, show_bn_no_stats_checkpointing=True) ### Hypernetwork arguments ### cli.hnet_args(parser, allowed_nets=['chunked_hmlp', 'hmlp'], dhmlp_arch='100,100', show_cond_emb_size=True, dcond_emb_size='8', dchmlp_chunk_size=750, dchunk_emb_size=8, show_use_cond_chunk_embs=True, show_net_act=True, dnet_act='relu', show_no_bias=True, show_dropout_rate=True, ddropout_rate=-1, show_specnorm=False, show_batchnorm=False, show_no_batchnorm=False) ### Validation arguments ### cli.eval_args(parser, dval_iter=500, show_val_batch_size=True, dval_batch_size=256, show_val_set_size=True, dval_set_size=100, show_test_with_val_set=True) ### Miscellaneous arguments ### cli.miscellaneous_args(parser, big_data=False, synthetic_data=False, show_plots=False, no_cuda=False, dout_dir=dout_dir) config = parser.parse_args() cli.check_invalid_argument_usage(config) if config.cl_exp == 'permmnist': if config.num_classes_per_task != 10: raise ValueError('Argument "num_classes_per_task" must be 10 in ' + 'PermutedMNIST!') if config.batchnorm: # It's not complicated to realize, but one has to handle the batchnorm # statistics properly, e.g., by telling the main net at each forward # pass which ones to use: # and by checkpointing the stats when training of a task is finished: # raise NotImplementedError('Use of batchnorm not implemented yet!') ############################################## ### Load datasets and instantiate networks ### ############################################## device, writer, logger = sutils.setup_environment(config, logger_name=config.cl_exp + '_logger') ### Generate datasets ### dhandlers = load_datasets(config, logger, writer) # Note, when using the helper functions `main_net_args` and `hnet_args` in # `hypnettorch.utils.cli_args`, main networks and hypernetworks can easily # be instantiated by using the corresponding helper functions in # `hypnettorch.utils.sim_utils`. ### Instantiate main network ### in_shape = dhandlers[0].in_shape if hasattr(dhandlers[0], 'torch_in_shape'): # This is only relevant for PermutedMNIST if padding is used (see the # corresponding data handler). in_shape = dhandlers[0].torch_in_shape if config.net_type == 'mlp': in_shape = [int(] # flattened images # As we learn task-specific models via the hypernetwork, the main network # only needs as many output units as required for a given task. out_shape = [config.num_classes_per_task] # The network is instantiated with no internal weights (they need to be # provided via a hypernet). mnet = sutils.get_mnet_model(config, config.net_type, in_shape, out_shape, device, no_weights=True) ### Instantiate hypernetwork ### hnet = sutils.get_hypernet(config, device, config.hnet_type, mnet.param_shapes, config.num_tasks) # If desired, one could now perform some specialized initialization of # the hypernet's parameters. ################################### ### Train on tasks sequentially ### ################################### for t in range(config.num_tasks):'### Training on task %d ###' % (t+1)) data = dhandlers[t] # Only data of current task will be available for training. train(t, data, mnet, hnet, device, config, logger, writer) # Test on all tasks trained so far. test(dhandlers[:(t+1)], mnet, hnet, device, config, logger, writer) writer.close()'Program finished successfully in %f sec.' % (time() - script_start))
if __name__ == '__main__': run()