Source code for hypnettorch.hnets.hnet_helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# @title          :hnets/
# @author         :ch
# @contact
# @created        :12/11/2020
# @version        :1.0
# @python_version :3.6.10
Helper functions for hypernetworks

The module :mod:`hnets.hnet_helpers` contains utilities that should simplify
working with hypernetworks that implement the interface
:class:`hnets.hnet_interface.HyperNetInterface`. Those helper functions are
meant to handle common manipulations (such as embedding initialization) in an
abstract way that hides implementation details to the user.
from warnings import warn
import torch

from hypnettorch.hnets.chunked_deconv_hnet import ChunkedHDeconv
from hypnettorch.hnets.chunked_mlp_hnet import ChunkedHMLP
from hypnettorch.hnets.hnet_container import HContainer
from hypnettorch.hnets.hnet_perturbation_wrapper import HPerturbWrapper
from hypnettorch.hnets.hnet_interface import HyperNetInterface
from hypnettorch.hnets.deconv_hnet import HDeconv
from hypnettorch.hnets.mlp_hnet import HMLP
from hypnettorch.hnets.structured_mlp_hnet import StructuredHMLP

[docs]def init_conditional_embeddings(hnet, normal_mean=0., normal_std=1., init_fct=None): """Initialize internally maintained conditional input embeddings. This function initializes conditional embeddings if the hypernetwork has any and they are internally maintained. For instance, the conditional embeddings of an ``HMLP`` instance are those returned by the method :meth:`hnets.mlp_hnet.HMLP.get_cond_in_emb`. By default, those embedding will follow a normal distribution. However, one may pass a custom init function ``init_fct`` that receives the embedding and its corresponding conditional ID as input (as is expected to modify the embedding in-place): .. code-block:: python init_fct(cond_emb, cond_id) Hypernetworks that don't make use of internally maintained conditional input embeddings will not be affected by this function. Note: Chunk embeddings may also be conditional parameters, but are not considered conditional input embeddings here. Conditional chunk embeddings can be initialized using function :func:`init_chunk_embeddings`. Args: hnet (hnets.hnet_interface.HyperNetInterface): The hypernetwork whose conditional embeddings should be initialized. normal_mean (float): The mean of the normal distribution with which embeddings should be initialized. normal_std (float): The std of the normal distribution with which embeddings should be initialized. init_fct (func, optional): A function handle that receives a conditional embedding and its ID as input and initializes the embedding in-place. If provided, arguments ``normal_mean`` and ``normal_std`` will be ignored. """ assert isinstance(hnet, HyperNetInterface) if hnet.conditional_params is None: warn('Conditional parameters are not internally maintained by the ' + 'hypernetwork!') return if isinstance(hnet, (HMLP, HDeconv, ChunkedHMLP, ChunkedHDeconv, StructuredHMLP)): for cond_id in range(hnet.num_known_conds): try: cond_emb = hnet.get_cond_in_emb(cond_id) except: # This may occur if the `hnet` has conditional parameters but # not conditional input embeddings (e.g., a `ChunkedHMLP` with # only conditional chunk embeddings). return if init_fct is None: torch.nn.init.normal_(cond_emb, mean=normal_mean, std=normal_std) else: init_fct(cond_emb, cond_id) elif isinstance(hnet, HContainer): # We simply loop through the provided `hnets`, assuming # `cond_param_shapes` can't be conditional input embeddings. for int_hnet in hnet.internal_hnets: if int_hnet.conditional_params is None: continue init_conditional_embeddings(int_hnet, normal_mean=normal_mean, normal_std=normal_std, init_fct=init_fct) elif isinstance(hnet, HPerturbWrapper): init_conditional_embeddings(hnet.internal_hnet, normal_mean=normal_mean, normal_std=normal_std, init_fct=init_fct) else: raise NotImplementedError('Function not implemented for hypernetwork ' + 'of type "%s".' % type(hnet))
[docs]def init_chunk_embeddings(hnet, normal_mean=0., normal_std=1., init_fct=None): """Initialize chunk embeddings. This function only applies to hypernetworks that make use of chunking, such as :class:`hnets.chunked_mlp_hnet.ChunkedHMLP`. All other hypernetwork types will be unaffected by this function. This function handles the initialization of embeddings very similar to function :func:`init_conditional_embeddings`, except that the function handle ``init_fct`` has a slightly different signature. It receives two positional arguments, the chunk embedding and the chunk embedding ID as well as one optional argument ``cond_id``, the conditional ID (in case of conditional chunk embeddings). .. code-block:: python init_fct = lambda cemb, cid, cond_id=None : nn.init.constant_(cemb, 0) Note: Class :class:`hnets.structured_mlp_hnet.StructuredHMLP` has multiple sets of chunk tensors as specified by attribute :attr:`hnets.structured_mlp_hnet.StructuredHMLP.chunk_emb_shapes`. As a simplifying design choice, the tensors passed to ``init_fct`` will not be single embeddings (i.e., vectors), but tensors of embeddings according to the shapes in attribute :attr:`hnets.structured_mlp_hnet.StructuredHMLP.chunk_emb_shapes`. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`init_conditional_embeddings`. """ assert isinstance(hnet, HyperNetInterface) if isinstance(hnet, (HMLP, HDeconv)): return # No chunk embeddings elif isinstance(hnet, (ChunkedHMLP, ChunkedHDeconv, StructuredHMLP)): num_conds = hnet.num_known_conds if hnet.cond_chunk_embs else 1 for cid in range(num_conds): if hnet.cond_chunk_embs: cond_id = cid else: cond_id = None if isinstance(hnet, StructuredHMLP): try: cembs = hnet.get_chunk_embs(cond_id=cond_id) except: return for chunk_id, cemb in enumerate(cembs): # Note, here `cemb` might be a collection of embeddings, # rather than a single one. So `chunk_id` is a bit # misleading. if init_fct is None: torch.nn.init.normal_(cemb, mean=normal_mean, std=normal_std) else: init_fct(cemb, chunk_id, cond_id=cond_id) else: for chunk_id in range(hnet.num_chunks): try: cemb = hnet.get_chunk_emb(chunk_id=chunk_id, cond_id=cond_id) except: return if init_fct is None: torch.nn.init.normal_(cemb, mean=normal_mean, std=normal_std) else: init_fct(cemb, chunk_id, cond_id=cond_id) elif isinstance(hnet, HContainer): # We simply loop through the provided `hnets`, assuming # `uncond_param_shapes` and `cond_param_shapes` can't be chunk # embeddings. for int_hnet in hnet.internal_hnets: init_chunk_embeddings(int_hnet, normal_mean=normal_mean, normal_std=normal_std, init_fct=init_fct) elif isinstance(hnet, HPerturbWrapper): init_chunk_embeddings(hnet.internal_hnet, normal_mean=normal_mean, normal_std=normal_std, init_fct=init_fct) else: raise NotImplementedError('Function not implemented for hypernetwork ' + 'of type "%s".' % type(hnet))
[docs]def get_conditional_parameters(hnet, cond_id): """Get condition specific parameters from the hypernetwork. Example: Class :class:`hnets.mlp_hnet.HMLP` may only have one embedding (the conditional input embedding) per condition as conditional parameter. Thus, this function will simply return ``[hnet.get_cond_in_emb(cond_id)]``. Args: hnet (hnets.hnet_interface.HyperNetInterface): The hypernetwork whose conditional parameters regarding ``cond_id`` should be extraced. cond_id (int): The condition (or its conditional ID) for which parameters should be extraced. Returns: (list): A list of tensors, a subset of attribute :attr:`hnets.hnet_interface.HyperNetInterface.conditional_params`, that are specific to the condition ``cond_id``. An empty list is returned if conditional parameters are not maintained internally. """ assert isinstance(hnet, HyperNetInterface) if hnet.conditional_params is None: warn('Conditional parameters are not internally maintained by the ' + 'hypernetwork!') return [] assert cond_id < hnet.num_known_conds if isinstance(hnet, (HMLP, HDeconv)): return [hnet.get_cond_in_emb(cond_id)] elif isinstance(hnet, (ChunkedHMLP, ChunkedHDeconv, StructuredHMLP)): ret = [hnet.get_cond_in_emb(cond_id)] if hnet.cond_chunk_embs: if isinstance(hnet, StructuredHMLP): ret += hnet.get_chunk_embs(cond_id=cond_id) else: ret.append(hnet.get_chunk_emb(cond_id=cond_id)) return ret elif isinstance(hnet, HContainer): ret = [] for int_hnet in hnet.internal_hnets: if int_hnet.conditional_params is None: continue ret += get_conditional_parameters(int_hnet, cond_id) # The HContainer can have additional conditional parameters passed # via constructor argument `cond_param_shapes`. for meta in hnet.param_shapes_meta: if 'celement_type' in meta.keys() and \ meta['celement_type'] == 'cond': if meta['celement_cind'] == cond_id: assert meta['index'] != -1 ret.append(meta.internal_params[meta['index']]) elif isinstance(hnet, HPerturbWrapper): return get_conditional_parameters(hnet.internal_hnet, cond_id) else: raise NotImplementedError('Function not implemented for hypernetwork ' + 'of type "%s".' % type(hnet))
if __name__ == '__main__': pass