Source code for hypnettorch.hnets.structured_mlp_hnet

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# @title          :hnets/
# @author         :ch
# @contact
# @created        :04/17/2020
# @version        :1.0
# @python_version :3.6.10
Structured Chunked MLP - Hypernetwork

The module :mod:`hnets.structured_mlp_hnet` contains a `Structured Chunked
Hypernetwork`, i.e., a hypernetwork that is aware of the target network
architecture and choses a smart way of chunking.

In contrast to the `Chunked Hypernetwork`
:class:`hnets.chunked_mlp_hnet.ChunkedHMLP`, which just flattens the
``target_shapes`` and splits them into equally sized chunks (ignoring the
underlying network structure in terms of layers or type of weight (bias, kernel,
...)), the :class:`StructuredHMLP` aims to preserve this structure when chunking
the target weights.

    Assume ``target_shapes = [[3], [3], [10, 5], [10], [20, 5], [20]]``.

    There are now many ways to split those weights into chunks. In the simplest
    case, we consider only one chunk and produce all weights at once with a
    `Full Hypernetwork` :class:`hnets.mlp_hnet.HMLP`.

    Another simple scenario would be to realize that all shapes except the first
    two are different. So, we create a total of 5 internal hypernetworks for
    those 6 weight tensors, where the first internal hypernetwork would produce
    weights of shape ``[3]`` upon receiving an external input plus an internal
    chunk embedding. See below for an example instantiation:

    .. code-block:: python

        def assembly_fct(list_of_chunks):
            assert len(list_of_chunks) == 4
            ret = []
            for chunk in list_of_chunks:
            return ret

        hnet = StructuredHMLP([[3], [3], [10, 5], [10], [20, 5], [20]],
            [[[3]], [[10, 5], [10]], [[20, 5], [20]]], [2, 1, 1], 8,
            {'layers': [10,10]}, assembly_fct, cond_chunk_embs=True,
            uncond_in_size=0, cond_in_size=0, verbose=True,
            no_uncond_weights=False, no_cond_weights=False, num_cond_embs=1)

    A smarter way of chunking would be to realize that the last two shapes are
    just twice the middle two shapes. Hence, we could instantiate two internal
    hypernetworks. The first one would be used to produce tensors of shape
    ``[3]`` and therefore require 2 chunk embeddings. The second internal
    hypernetwork would be used to create tensors of shape ``[10, 5], [10]``,
    requiring 3 chunk embeddings (the last two chunks together make up the last
    two target tensors of shape ``[20, 5], [20]``).

    .. code-block:: python

        def assembly_fct(list_of_chunks):
            assert len(list_of_chunks) == 5
            ret = [*list_of_chunks[0], *list_of_chunks[1], *list_of_chunks[2]]
            for t, tensor in enumerate(list_of_chunks[3]):
                ret.append([tensor, list_of_chunks[4][t]], dim=0))
            return ret

        hnet = StructuredHMLP([[3], [3], [10, 5], [10], [20, 5], [20]],
            [[[3]], [[10, 5], [10]]], [2, 3], 8,
            {'layers': [10,10]}, assembly_fct, cond_chunk_embs=True,
            uncond_in_size=0, cond_in_size=0, verbose=True,
            no_uncond_weights=False, no_cond_weights=False, num_cond_embs=1)

    This hypernetwork can also be used to realize soft-sharing via templates as
    proposed in `Savarese et al. <>`__

    Assume a target network with 3 layers of identical weight shapes
    ``target_shapes=[s, s, s]``, where ``s`` denotes a weight shape.

    If we want to create these 3 weight tensors via a linear combination of two
    templates, we could create an instance of :class:`StructuredHMLP` as

    .. code-block:: python

        def assembly_fct(list_of_chunks):
            assert len(list_of_chunks) == 3
            return [list_of_chunks[0][0], list_of_chunks[1][0],

        hnet = StructuredHMLP([s, s, s], [[s]], [3], 2,
            {'layers': [], 'use_bias': False}, assembly_fct
            cond_chunk_embs=True, uncond_in_size=0, cond_in_size=0,
            verbose=True, no_uncond_weights=False, no_cond_weights=False,

    There will be one underlying linear hypernetwork, that expects a
    2-dimensional embedding input. The computation of the linear hypernetwork
    can be seen as :math:`t_i = W e_i`. Where :math:`t_i` is a tensor of shape
    ``s`` containing the weights of the :math:`i`-th chunk (with chunk embedding

    The 2 templates are encoded in the hypernetwork weights :math:`W`, whereas
    the chunk embedding represents the coefficients of the linear combination.
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from warnings import warn

from hypnettorch.hnets.hnet_interface import HyperNetInterface
from hypnettorch.hnets.mlp_hnet import HMLP

[docs]class StructuredHMLP(nn.Module, HyperNetInterface): """Implementation of a `structured chunked fully-connected hypernet`. This network builds a series of full hypernetworks internally (hidden from the user). There will be one internal hypernetwork for each element of ``chunk_shapes``. Those internal hypernetworks can produce an arbitrary amount of chunks (as defined by ``num_per_chunk``). All those chunks are finally assembled by function ``assembly_fct`` to produce tensors according to ``target_shapes``. Note: It is possible to set ``uncond_in_size`` and ``cond_in_size`` to zero if ``cond_chunk_embs`` is ``True`` and there are no zeroes in argument ``chunk_emb_sizes``. Args: (....): See constructor arguments of class :class:`hnets.mlp_hnet.HMLP`. chunk_shapes (list): List of lists of lists of integers. Each chunk will be produced by its own internal hypernetwork (instance of class :class:`hnets.mlp_hnet.HMLP`). Hence, this list can be seen as a list of ``target_shapes``, passed to the underlying internal hypernets. num_per_chunk (list): List of the same length as ``chunk_shapes``, that determines how often each of these chunks has to be produced. chunk_emb_sizes (list or int): List with the same length as ``chunk_shapes`` or single integer that will be expanded to this length. Determines the chunk embedding size per internal hypernetwork. Note: Embeddings will be initialized with a normal distribution using zero mean and unit variance. Note: If the corresponding entry in ``num_per_chunk`` is ``1``, then an embedding size might be ``0``, which means there won't be chunk embeddings for the corresponding internal hypernetwork. hmlp_kwargs (list or dict): List of dictionaries or a single dictionary that will be expanded to such a list. Those dictionaries may contain keyword arguments for each instance of class :class:`hnets.mlp_hnet.HMLP` that will be generated. The following keys are **not permitted** in these dictionaries: - ``uncond_in_size`` - ``cond_in_size`` - ``no_uncond_weights`` - ``no_cond_weights`` - ``num_cond_embs`` Those arguments will be determined by the corresponding keyword arguments of this class! assembly_fct (func): A function handle that takes the produced chunks and converts them into tensors with shapes ``target_shapes``. The function handle must have the signature: ``assembly_fct(list_of_chunks)``. The argument ``list_of_chunks`` is a list of lists of tensors. The function is expected to return a list of tensors, each of them having a shape as specified by ``target_shapes``. Example: Assume ``chunk_shapes=[[[3]], [[10, 5], [5]]]`` and ``num_per_chunk=[2, 1]``. Then the argument ``list_of_chunks`` will be a list of lists of tensors as follows: ``[[tensor(3)], [tensor(3)], [tensor(10, 5), tensor(5)]]``. If ``target_shapes=[[3], [3], [10, 5], [5]]``, then the output of ``assembly_fct`` is expected to be a list of tensors as follows: ``[tensor(3), tensor(3), tensor(10, 5), tensor(5)]``. Note: This function considers one sample at a time, even if a batch of inputs is processed. Note: It is assumed that ``assembly_fct`` does not further process the incoming weights. Otherwise, the attributes :attr:`mnets.mnet_interface.MainNetInterface.has_fc_out` and :attr:`mnets.mnet_interface.MainNetInterface.has_linear_out` might be invalid. cond_chunk_embs (bool): See documentation of class :class:`hnets.chunked_mlp_hnet.ChunkedHMLP` """ def __init__(self, target_shapes, chunk_shapes, num_per_chunk, chunk_emb_sizes, hmlp_kwargs, assembly_fct, cond_chunk_embs=False, uncond_in_size=0, cond_in_size=8, verbose=True, no_uncond_weights=False, no_cond_weights=False, num_cond_embs=1): # FIXME find a way using super to handle multiple inheritance. nn.Module.__init__(self) HyperNetInterface.__init__(self) ### Basic checks for user inputs ### assert isinstance(chunk_shapes, (list, tuple)) and len(chunk_shapes) > 0 num_chunk_weights = 0 for chunk in chunk_shapes: # Each chunk is a list of shapes! assert isinstance(chunk, (list, tuple)) and len(chunk) > 0 num_chunk_weights += StructuredHMLP.shapes_to_num_weights(chunk) num_trgt_weights = StructuredHMLP.shapes_to_num_weights(target_shapes) if num_trgt_weights > num_chunk_weights: # TODO Should we display a warning? The user might actively want # to reuse the same weights in the target network. In the end, the # user should be completely free on how he assembles the chunks to # weights within the `assembly_fct`. pass assert isinstance(num_per_chunk, (list, tuple)) and \ len(num_per_chunk) == len(chunk_shapes) if 0 in num_per_chunk: raise ValueError('Option "num_per_chunk" may not contains 0s. ' + 'Each internal hypernetwork must create at ' + 'least one chunk!') assert isinstance(chunk_emb_sizes, (int, list, tuple)) if isinstance(chunk_emb_sizes, int): chunk_emb_sizes = [chunk_emb_sizes] * len(chunk_shapes) assert len(chunk_emb_sizes) == len(chunk_shapes) if 0 in chunk_emb_sizes and uncond_in_size == 0 and cond_in_size == 0: raise ValueError('Argument "chunk_emb_sizes" may not contain ' + '0s if "uncond_in_size" and "cond_in_size" are ' + '0!') for i, s in enumerate(chunk_emb_sizes): if s == 0 and num_per_chunk[i] != 1: raise ValueError('Option "chunk_emb_sizes" may only contain ' + 'zeroes if the corresponding entry in ' + '"num_per_chunk" is 1.') assert isinstance(hmlp_kwargs, (dict, list, tuple)) if isinstance(hmlp_kwargs, dict): hmlp_kwargs = [dict(hmlp_kwargs) for _ in range(len(chunk_shapes))] assert len(hmlp_kwargs) == len(chunk_shapes) for hkwargs in hmlp_kwargs: assert isinstance(hkwargs, dict) forbidden = ['uncond_in_size', 'cond_in_size', 'no_uncond_weights', 'no_cond_weights', 'num_cond_embs'] for kw in forbidden: if kw in hkwargs.keys(): raise ValueError('Key %s may not be passed with argument ' \ % kw + '"hmlp_kwargs"!') if 'verbose' not in hkwargs.keys(): hkwargs['verbose'] = False ### Make constructor arguments internally available ### self._chunk_shapes = chunk_shapes self._num_per_chunk = num_per_chunk self._chunk_emb_sizes = chunk_emb_sizes #self._hkwargs = hkwargs self._assembly_fct = assembly_fct self._cond_chunk_embs = cond_chunk_embs self._uncond_in_size = uncond_in_size self._cond_in_size = cond_in_size self._no_uncond_weights = no_uncond_weights self._no_cond_weights = no_cond_weights self._num_cond_embs = num_cond_embs ### Create underlying full hypernets ### num_hnets = len(chunk_shapes) self._hnets = [] for i in range(num_hnets): # Note, even if chunk embeddings are considered conditional, they # are maintained in this object and just fed as an external input # to the underlying hnet. hnet_uncond_in_size = uncond_in_size + chunk_emb_sizes[i] # Conditional inputs (`cond_in_size`) will be maintained by the # first internal hypernetwork. if i == 0: hnet_no_cond_weights = no_cond_weights hnet_num_cond_embs = num_cond_embs if cond_chunk_embs and cond_in_size == 0: # If there are no other conditional embeddings except the # chunk embeddings, we tell the first underlying hnet # explicitly that it doesn't need to maintain any # conditional weights to avoid that it will throw a warning. hnet_num_cond_embs = 0 else: # All other hypernetworks will be passed the conditional # embeddings from the first hypernet as input. hnet_no_cond_weights = True hnet_num_cond_embs = 0 self._hnets.append(HMLP(chunk_shapes[i], uncond_in_size=hnet_uncond_in_size, cond_in_size=cond_in_size, no_uncond_weights=no_uncond_weights, no_cond_weights=hnet_no_cond_weights, num_cond_embs=hnet_num_cond_embs, **hmlp_kwargs[i])) ### Setup attributes required by interface ### # Most of these attributes are taken over from the internally # maintained hypernetworks. self._target_shapes = target_shapes self._num_known_conds = self._num_cond_embs # As we just append the weights of the internal hypernets we will have # output weights all over the place. # Additionally, it would be complicated to assign outputs to target # outputs, as we do not know, what is happening in the `assembly_fct`. # Also, keep in mind that we will append chunk embeddings at the end # of `param_shapes`. self._mask_fc_out = False self._unconditional_param_shapes_ref = [] self._param_shapes = [] self._param_shapes_meta = [] self._layer_weight_tensors = nn.ParameterList() self._layer_bias_vectors = nn.ParameterList() for i, hnet in enumerate(self._hnets): # Note, it is important to convert lists into new object and not # just copy references! # Note, we have to adapt all references if `i > 0`. ps_len_old = len(self._param_shapes) for ref in hnet._unconditional_param_shapes_ref: self._unconditional_param_shapes_ref.append(ref + ps_len_old) if hnet._internal_params is not None: if self._internal_params is None: self._internal_params = nn.ParameterList() ip_len_old = len(self._internal_params) self._internal_params.extend( \ nn.ParameterList(hnet._internal_params)) self._param_shapes.extend(list(hnet._param_shapes)) for meta in hnet.param_shapes_meta: assert 'hnet_ind' not in meta.keys() assert 'layer' in meta.keys() assert 'index' in meta.keys() new_meta = dict(meta) new_meta['hnet_ind'] = i if i > 0: # FIXME We should properly adjust colliding `layer` IDs. new_meta['layer'] = -1 new_meta['index'] = meta['index'] + ip_len_old self._param_shapes_meta.append(new_meta) if hnet._hyper_shapes_learned is not None: if self._hyper_shapes_learned is None: self._hyper_shapes_learned = [] self._hyper_shapes_learned_ref = [] self._hyper_shapes_learned.extend( \ list(hnet._hyper_shapes_learned)) for ref in hnet._hyper_shapes_learned_ref: self._hyper_shapes_learned_ref.append(ref + ps_len_old) if hnet._hyper_shapes_distilled is not None: if self._hyper_shapes_distilled is None: self._hyper_shapes_distilled = [] self._hyper_shapes_distilled.extend( \ list(hnet._hyper_shapes_distilled)) if self._has_bias is None: self._has_bias = hnet._has_bias elif self._has_bias != hnet._has_bias: self._has_bias = False # FIXME We should overwrite the getter and throw an error! warn('Some internally maintained hypernetworks use biases, ' + 'while others don\'t. Setting attribute "has_bias" to ' + 'False.') if self._has_fc_out is None: self._has_fc_out = hnet._has_fc_out else: assert self._has_fc_out == hnet._has_fc_out if self._has_linear_out is None: self._has_linear_out = hnet._has_linear_out else: assert self._has_linear_out == hnet._has_linear_out self._layer_weight_tensors.extend( \ nn.ParameterList(hnet._layer_weight_tensors)) self._layer_bias_vectors.extend( \ nn.ParameterList(hnet._layer_bias_vectors)) if hnet._batchnorm_layers is not None: if self._batchnorm_layers is None: self._batchnorm_layers = nn.ModuleList() self._batchnorm_layers.extend( \ nn.ModuleList(hnet._batchnorm_layers)) if hnet._context_mod_layers is not None: if self._context_mod_layers is None: self._context_mod_layers = nn.ModuleList() self._context_mod_layers.extend( \ nn.ModuleList(hnet._context_mod_layers)) if self._hyper_shapes_distilled is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Distillation of parameters not ' + 'supported yet!') ### Create chunk embeddings ### if cond_in_size == 0 and uncond_in_size == 0 and 0 in chunk_emb_sizes: raise ValueError('At least one internal hypernetwork has no ' + 'chunk embedding(s). Therefore, the input size ' + 'might not be 0.') if cond_in_size == 0 and uncond_in_size == 0 and not cond_chunk_embs: # Note, we could also allow this case. It would be analoguous to # creating a full hypernet with no unconditional input and one # conditional embedding. But the user can explicitly achieve that # as noted below. raise ValueError('If no external (conditional or unconditional) ' + 'input is provided to the hypernetwork, then ' + 'it can only learn a fixed output. If this ' + 'behavior is desired, please enable ' + '"cond_chunk_embs" and set "num_cond_embs=1".') chunk_emb_shapes = [] # To which internal hnet does the corresponding chunk shape belong to. chunk_emb_refs = [] for i, size in enumerate(chunk_emb_sizes): if size == 0: # No chunk embeddings for internal hnet `i`. continue chunk_emb_refs.append(i) assert num_per_chunk[i] > 0 chunk_emb_shapes.append([num_per_chunk[i], size]) self._chunk_emb_shapes = chunk_emb_shapes self._chunk_emb_refs = chunk_emb_refs # How often do we have to instantiate the chunk embeddings prescribed by # `chunk_emb_shapes`? num_cemb_weights = 1 no_cemb_weights = no_uncond_weights if cond_chunk_embs: num_cemb_weights = num_cond_embs no_cemb_weights = no_cond_weights # Number of conditional and unconditional parameters so far. tmp_num_uncond = len(self._unconditional_param_shapes_ref) tmp_num_cond = len(self._param_shapes) - tmp_num_uncond # List of lists of inds. # Indices of chunk embedding per condition within # `conditional_param_shapes`, if chunk embeddings are conditional. # Otherwise, indices of chunk embeddings within # `unconditional_param_shapes`. self._chunk_emb_inds = [[] for _ in range(num_cemb_weights)] for i in range(num_cemb_weights): for j, shape in enumerate(chunk_emb_shapes): if not no_cemb_weights: self._internal_params.append(nn.Parameter( \ data=torch.Tensor(*shape), requires_grad=True)) torch.nn.init.normal_(self._internal_params[-1], mean=0., std=1.) else: self._hyper_shapes_learned.append(shape) self._hyper_shapes_learned_ref.append( \ len(self.param_shapes)) if not cond_chunk_embs: self._unconditional_param_shapes_ref.append( \ len(self.param_shapes)) self._param_shapes.append(shape) # In principle, these embeddings also belong to the input, so we # just assign them as "layer" 0 (note, the underlying hnets use # the same layer ID for its embeddings. self._param_shapes_meta.append({ 'name': 'embedding', 'index': -1 if no_cemb_weights else \ len(self._internal_params)-1, 'layer': 0, 'info': 'chunk embeddings', 'hnet_ind': chunk_emb_refs[j], 'cond_id': i if cond_chunk_embs else -1 }) if cond_chunk_embs: self._chunk_emb_inds[i].append(tmp_num_cond) tmp_num_cond += 1 else: self._chunk_emb_inds[i].append(tmp_num_uncond) tmp_num_uncond += 1 assert len(self.param_shapes) == tmp_num_uncond + tmp_num_cond ### Finalize construction ### self._is_properly_setup() if verbose: print('Created Structured Chunked MLP Hypernet.') print('It manages %d full hypernetworks internally that produce ' \ % (num_hnets) + '%s chunks in total.' % (self.num_chunks)) print('The internal hypernetworks have a combined output size of ' + '%d compared to %d weights produced by this network.' \ % (num_chunk_weights, self.num_outputs)) print(self) @property def num_chunks(self): """The total number of chunks that make up the hypernet output. This attribute simply corresponds to ``np.sum(num_per_chunk)``. :type: int """ return int(np.sum(self._num_per_chunk)) @property def chunk_emb_shapes(self): """List of lists of integers. The list contains the shape of the chunk embeddings required per forward sweep. Note: Some internal hypernets might not need chunk embeddings if the corresponding entry in ``chunk_emb_sizes`` is zero. :type: list """ return self._chunk_emb_shapes @property def cond_chunk_embs(self): """Whether chunk embeddings are unconditional (``False``) or conditional (``True``) parameters. See constructor argument ``cond_chunk_embs``. :type: bool """ return self._cond_chunk_embs @property def internal_hnets(self): """ The list of internal hypernetworks (instances of class :class:`hnets.mlp_hnet.HMLP`) which are created to produce the individual chunks according to constructor argument ``chunk_shapes``. :type: list """ return self._hnets
[docs] def forward(self, uncond_input=None, cond_input=None, cond_id=None, weights=None, distilled_params=None, condition=None, ret_format='squeezed'): """Compute the weights of a target network. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`hnets.mlp_hnet.HMLP.forward`. weights (list or dict, optional): If provided as ``dict`` and chunk embeddings are considered conditional (see constructor argument ``cond_chunk_embs``), then the additional key ``chunk_embs`` can be used to pass a batch of chunk embeddings. This option is mutually exclusive with the option of passing ``cond_id``. Note, if conditional inputs via ``cond_input`` are expected, then the batch sizes must agree. A batch of chunk embeddings is expected to be a list of tensors of shape ``[B, *ce_shape]``, where ``B`` denotes the batch size and ``ce_shape`` is a shape from list :attr:`chunk_emb_shapes`. Returns: (list or torch.Tensor): See docstring of method :meth:`hnets.hnet_interface.HyperNetInterface.forward`. """ if distilled_params is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Hypernet does not support ' + '"distilled_params" yet!') # Note, the network does not necessarily have chunk embeddings. has_chunk_embs = len(self.chunk_emb_shapes) > 0 cond_chunk_embs = None if isinstance(weights, dict): if 'chunk_embs' in weights.keys(): assert has_chunk_embs cond_chunk_embs = weights['chunk_embs'] if not self._cond_chunk_embs: raise ValueError('Key "chunk_embs" for argument ' + '"weights" is only allowed if chunk ' + 'embeddings are conditional.') assert isinstance(cond_chunk_embs, (list, tuple)) batch_size = None for i, s in self.chunk_emb_shapes: assert len(cond_chunk_embs[i].shape) == 3 and \ np.all(np.equal(cond_chunk_embs.shape[1:], s)) if i == 0: batch_size = cond_chunk_embs[i].shape[0] else: assert cond_chunk_embs[i].shape[0] == batch_size if cond_id is not None: raise ValueError('Option "cond_id" is mutually exclusive ' + 'with key "chunk_embs" for argument ' + '"weights".') assert cond_input is None or \ cond_input.shape[0] == batch_size # Remove `chunk_embs` from dictionary, since upper class parser # doesn't know how to deal with it. del weights['chunk_embs'] if len(weights.keys()) == 0: # Empty dictionary. weights = None if cond_input is not None and self._cond_chunk_embs and \ has_chunk_embs and cond_chunk_embs is None: raise ValueError('Conditional chunk embeddings have to be ' + 'provided via "weights" if "cond_input" is ' + 'specified.') _input_required = self._cond_in_size > 0 or self._uncond_in_size > 0 # We parse `cond_id` afterwards if chunk embeddings are also # conditional. if self._cond_chunk_embs: _parse_cond_id_fct = lambda x, y, z: None else: _parse_cond_id_fct = None uncond_input, cond_input, uncond_weights, cond_weights = \ self._preprocess_forward_args(_input_required=_input_required, _parse_cond_id_fct=_parse_cond_id_fct, uncond_input=uncond_input, cond_input=cond_input, cond_id=cond_id, weights=weights, distilled_params=distilled_params, condition=condition, ret_format=ret_format) #ext_inputs=ext_inputs, task_emb=task_emb, #task_id=task_id, theta=theta, dTheta=dTheta) ### Translate IDs to conditional inputs ### if cond_id is not None and self._cond_chunk_embs: assert cond_input is None and cond_chunk_embs is None cond_id = [cond_id] if isinstance(cond_id, int) else cond_id if cond_weights is None: raise ValueError('Forward option "cond_id" can only be ' + 'used if conditional parameters are ' + 'maintained internally or passed to the ' + 'forward method via option "weights".') if has_chunk_embs: cond_chunk_embs = [[] for _ in \ range(len(self.chunk_emb_shapes))] cond_input = [] if self._cond_in_size > 0 else None for i, cid in enumerate(cond_id): if cid < 0 or cid >= self._num_cond_embs: raise ValueError('Condition %d not existing!' % (cid)) # Note, we do not necessarily have conditional embeddings. if self._cond_in_size > 0: cond_input.append(cond_weights[cid]) for j, pind in enumerate(self._chunk_emb_inds[cid]): cond_chunk_embs[j].append(cond_weights[pind]) if self._cond_in_size > 0: cond_input = torch.stack(cond_input, dim=0) for i in range(len(self.chunk_emb_shapes)): cond_chunk_embs[i] = torch.stack(cond_chunk_embs[i], dim=0) ### Finalize input parsing ### batch_size = None if cond_input is not None: batch_size = cond_input.shape[0] if cond_chunk_embs is not None: assert batch_size is None or batch_size == \ cond_chunk_embs[0].shape[0] batch_size = cond_chunk_embs[0].shape[0] if uncond_input is not None: if batch_size is None: batch_size = uncond_input.shape[0] else: assert batch_size == uncond_input.shape[0] assert batch_size is not None chunk_embs = None if self._cond_chunk_embs: assert cond_chunk_embs is not None or not has_chunk_embs assert self._cond_in_size == 0 or cond_input is not None chunk_embs = cond_chunk_embs else: assert cond_chunk_embs is None chunk_embs = [] for i, pind in enumerate(self._chunk_emb_inds[0]): chunk_embs.append(uncond_weights[pind]) # Insert batch dimension. chunk_embs[-1] = chunk_embs[-1].expand(batch_size, \ *self.chunk_emb_shapes[i]) # We now have the following setup: # cond_input: [batch_size, cond_in_size] or None # uncond_input: [batch_size, uncond_in_size] or None # chunk_embs is a list with an entry for all hypernets `i`, that have # chunk embeddings, the list has a tensor of shape: # [batch_size, num_chunks[i], chunk_emb_size[i]] ### Compute output chunks ### # I.e., iterate over internal hypernets. # A list of chunks for each sample in the input batch. Those will be # later processed by the `assembly_fct`. chunks = [[] for _ in range(batch_size)] cemb_ind = 0 for i, hnet in enumerate(self._hnets): ### Assemble input for i-th hypernet ### requires_cemb_input = i in self._chunk_emb_refs if requires_cemb_input: # Append chunk embeddings to unconditional input. ce_shape = self.chunk_emb_shapes[cemb_ind] curr_chunk_embs = chunk_embs[cemb_ind] num_chunks = ce_shape[0] # We now first copy the hypernet inputs for each chunk, arriving # at # cond_input: [batch_size, num_chunks, cond_in_size] or None # uncond_input: [batch_size, num_chunks, uncond_in_size] or None hnet_cond_input = None if cond_input is not None: hnet_cond_input = cond_input.reshape(batch_size, 1, -1) hnet_cond_input = hnet_cond_input.expand(batch_size, num_chunks, self._cond_in_size) if uncond_input is not None: hnet_uncond_input = uncond_input.reshape(batch_size, 1, -1) hnet_uncond_input = hnet_uncond_input.expand(batch_size, num_chunks, self._uncond_in_size) # The chunk embeddings are considered unconditional inputs # to the underlying hypernetwork. hnet_uncond_input =[hnet_uncond_input, curr_chunk_embs], dim=2) else: hnet_uncond_input = curr_chunk_embs # Now we build one big batch for the underlying hypernetwork, # with batch size: `batch_size * num_chunks`. if hnet_cond_input is not None: hnet_cond_input = hnet_cond_input.reshape( \ batch_size * num_chunks, -1) hnet_uncond_input = hnet_uncond_input.reshape( \ batch_size * num_chunks, -1) cemb_ind += 1 else: num_chunks = 1 hnet_cond_input = cond_input hnet_uncond_input = uncond_input ### Extract weights for i-th hypernet ### hnet_weights = dict() # Note, only the first hnet has its own conditional weights. if i == 0: if cond_weights is not None and self._cond_chunk_embs: hnet_weights['cond_weights'] = \ self._hnets[0].conditional_params elif cond_weights is not None: hnet_weights['cond_weights'] = cond_weights assert uncond_weights is not None hnet_weights['uncond_weights'] = [] assert len(uncond_weights) == \ len(self.unconditional_param_shapes_ref) for j, ref in enumerate(self.unconditional_param_shapes_ref): meta = self.param_shapes_meta[ref] if 'hnet_ind' in meta.keys() and meta['hnet_ind'] == i: if 'info' in meta.keys() and \ meta['info'] == 'chunk embeddings': continue hnet_weights['uncond_weights'].append(uncond_weights[j]) ### Process i-th chunks ### hnet_out = hnet.forward(uncond_input=hnet_uncond_input, cond_input=hnet_cond_input, cond_id=None, weights=hnet_weights, distilled_params=None, condition=condition, ret_format='sequential') assert isinstance(hnet_out, list) and \ len(hnet_out) == batch_size * num_chunks for bind in range(batch_size): for cind in range(num_chunks): chunks[bind].append(hnet_out[bind*num_chunks + cind]) ### Retrieve hypernet output ### ret = [] for bind in range(batch_size): assert len(chunks[bind]) == self.num_chunks ret.append(self._assembly_fct(chunks[bind])) if bind == 0: outs = ret[-1] assert len(outs) == len(self.target_shapes) for i, s in enumerate(self.target_shapes): assert np.all(np.equal(outs[i].shape, s)) ### Convert to correct output format ### assert ret_format in ['flattened', 'sequential', 'squeezed'] if ret_format == 'sequential': return ret elif ret_format == 'squeezed': if batch_size == 1: return ret[0] return ret flat_ret = [None] * batch_size for bind in range(batch_size): for i, tensor in enumerate(ret[bind]): if i == 0: flat_ret[bind] = tensor.flatten() else: flat_ret[bind] = \[flat_ret[bind], tensor.flatten()], dim=0) return torch.stack(flat_ret, dim=0)
[docs] def distillation_targets(self): """Targets to be distilled after training. See docstring of abstract super method :meth:`mnets.mnet_interface.MainNetInterface.distillation_targets`. This network does not have any distillation targets. Returns: ``None`` """ return None
[docs] def get_cond_in_emb(self, cond_id): """Get the ``cond_id``-th (conditional) input embedding. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`hnets.mlp_hnet.HMLP.get_cond_in_emb`. Returns: (torch.nn.Parameter) """ return self._hnets[0].get_cond_in_emb(cond_id)
[docs] def get_chunk_embs(self, cond_id=None): """Get the chunk embeddings. Args: cond_id (int): Is mandatory if constructor argument ``cond_chunk_embs`` was set. Determines the set of chunk embeddings to be considered. Returns: (list): A list of tensors with shapes prescribed by :attr:`chunk_emb_shapes`. """ ret = [] if self._cond_chunk_embs: if cond_id is None: raise RuntimeError('Option "cond_id" has to be set if chunk ' + 'embeddings are conditional parameters!') if self.conditional_params is None: raise RuntimeError('Conditional chunk embeddings are not ' + 'internally maintained!') if not isinstance(cond_id, int) or cond_id < 0 or \ cond_id >= self._num_cond_embs: raise RuntimeError('Option "cond_id" must be between 0 and ' + '%d!' % (self._num_cond_embs-1)) else: assert cond_id is None if self.unconditional_params is None: raise RuntimeError('Chunk embeddings are not internally ' + 'maintained!') for meta in self.param_shapes_meta: if 'info' in meta.keys() and meta['info'] == 'chunk embeddings': if cond_id is not None: assert meta['cond_id'] != -1 if cond_id != meta['cond_id']: continue assert meta['index'] != -1 shape = self.chunk_emb_shapes[len(ret)] ret.append(self.internal_params[meta['index']]) assert np.all(np.equal(ret[-1].shape, shape)) return ret
if __name__ == '__main__': pass