Source code for hypnettorch.utils.gan_helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# @title          :utils/
# @author         :ch
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# @created        :12/17/2019
# @version        :1.0
# @python_version :3.6.9
Helper functions for training Generative Adversarial Networks

A collection of helper functions that are useful and general for GAN training,
e.g., several GAN losses.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

[docs]def dis_loss(logit_real, logit_fake, loss_choice): """Compute the loss for the discriminator. Note, only the discriminator weights should be updated using this loss. Args: logit_real: Outputs of the discriminator after seeing real samples. .. note:: We assume a linear output layer. logit_fake: Outputs of the discriminator after seeing fake samples. .. note:: We assume a linear output layer. loss_choice (int): Define what loss function is used to train the GAN. Note, the choice of loss function also influences how the output of the discriminator network if reinterpreted or squashed (either between ``[0,1]`` or an arbitrary real number). The following choices are available. - ``0``: Vanilla GAN (Goodfellow et al., 2014). Non-saturating loss version. Note, we additionally apply one-sided label smoothing for this loss. - ``1``: Traditional LSGAN (Mao et al., 2018). See eq. 14 of the paper. This loss corresponds to a parameter choice :math:`a=0`, :math:`b=1` and :math:`c=1`. - ``2``: Pearson Chi^2 LSGAN (Mao et al., 2018). See eq. 13. Parameter choice: :math:`a=-1`, :math:`b=1` and :math:`c=0`. - ``3``: Wasserstein GAN (Arjovski et al., 2017). Returns: The discriminator loss. """ if loss_choice == 0: # Vanilla GAN # We use the binary cross entropy. # Note, we use one-sided label-smoothing. fake = torch.sigmoid(logit_fake) real = torch.sigmoid(logit_real) r_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(real, 0.9*torch.ones_like(real)) f_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(fake, torch.zeros_like(fake)) elif loss_choice == 1: # Traditional LSGAN r_loss = F.mse_loss(logit_real, torch.ones_like(logit_real)) f_loss = F.mse_loss(logit_fake, torch.zeros_like(logit_fake)) elif loss_choice == 2: # Pearson Chi^2 LSGAN r_loss = F.mse_loss(logit_real, torch.ones_like(logit_real)) f_loss = F.mse_loss(logit_fake, -torch.ones_like(logit_fake)) else: # WGAN r_loss = -logit_real.mean() f_loss = logit_fake.mean() return (r_loss + f_loss)
[docs]def gen_loss(logit_fake, loss_choice): """Compute the loss for the generator. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`dis_loss`. Returns: The generator loss. """ if loss_choice == 0: # Vanilla GAN # We use the -log(D) trick. fake = torch.sigmoid(logit_fake) return F.binary_cross_entropy(fake, torch.ones_like(fake)) elif loss_choice == 1: # Traditional LSGAN return F.mse_loss(logit_fake, torch.ones_like(logit_fake)) elif loss_choice == 2: # Pearson Chi^2 LSGAN return F.mse_loss(logit_fake, torch.zeros_like(logit_fake)) else: # WGAN return -logit_fake.mean()
[docs]def accuracy(logit_real, logit_fake, loss_choice): """The accuracy of the discriminator. It is computed based on the assumption that values greater than a threshold are classified as real. Note, the accuracy measure is only well defined for the Vanilla GAN. Though, we just look at generally preferred value ranges and generalize the concept of accuracy to the other GAN formulations using the following thresholds: - ``0.5`` for Vanilla GAN and Traditional LSGAN - ``0`` for Pearson Chi^2 LSGAN and WGAN. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`dis_loss`. Returns: The relative accuracy of the discriminator. """ T = 0.5 if loss_choice < 2 else 0.0 #if loss_choice == 0: # fake = torch.sigmoid(logit_fake) # real = torch.sigmoid(logit_real) # Note, values above 0 will be above 0.5 after being passed through a # softmax. Therefore, we take the threshold 0 for logit activations, if the # logits are supposed to be passed through a softmax. T = 0 if loss_choice == 0 else T n_correct = (logit_real > T).float().sum() + (logit_fake <= T).float().sum() return n_correct / (logit_real.numel() + logit_fake.numel())
[docs]def concat_mean_stats(inputs): """Add mean statistics to discriminator input. GANs often run into mode collapse since the discriminator sees every sample in isolation. I.e., it cannot detect whether all samples in a batch do look alike. A simple way to allow the discriminator to have access to batch statistics is to simply concatenate the mean (across batch dimension) of all discriminator samples to each sample. Args: inputs: The input batch to the discriminator. Returns: The modified input batch. """ stats = torch.mean(inputs, 0, keepdim=True) stats = stats.expand(inputs.size()) return[stats, inputs], dim=1)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass