Source code for hypnettorch.utils.hnet_regularizer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# @title           :utils/
# @author          :ch
# @contact
# @created         :06/05/2019
# @version         :1.0
# @python_version  :3.6.8
Hypernetwork Regularization

We summarize our own regularizers in this module. These regularizer ensure that
the output of a hypernetwork don't change.

import torch
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn

from hypnettorch.hnets import HyperNetInterface

[docs]def get_current_targets(task_id, hnet): r"""For all :math:`j < \text{task\_id}`, compute the output of the hypernetwork. This output will be detached from the graph before being added to the return list of this function. Note, if these targets don't change during training, it would be more memory efficient to store the weights :math:`\theta^*` of the hypernetwork (which is a fixed amount of memory compared to the variable number of tasks). Though, it is more computationally expensive to recompute :math:`h(c_j, \theta^*)` for all :math:`j < \text{task\_id}` everytime the target is needed. Note, this function sets the hypernet temporarily in eval mode. No gradients are computed. See argument ``targets`` of :func:`calc_fix_target_reg` for a use-case of this function. Args: task_id (int): The ID of the current task. hnet: An instance of the hypernetwork before learning a new task (i.e., the hypernetwork has the weights :math:`\theta^*` necessary to compute the targets). Returns: An empty list, if ``task_id`` is ``0``. Otherwise, a list of ``task_id-1`` targets. These targets can be passed to the function :func:`calc_fix_target_reg` while training on the new task. """ # We temporarily switch to eval mode for target computation (e.g., to get # rid of training stochasticities such as dropout). hnet_mode = hnet.eval() ret = [] with torch.no_grad(): W = hnet.forward(cond_id=list(range(task_id)), ret_format='sequential') ret = [[p.detach() for p in W_tid] for W_tid in W] hnet.train(mode=hnet_mode) return ret
[docs]def calc_fix_target_reg(hnet, task_id, targets=None, dTheta=None, dTembs=None, mnet=None, inds_of_out_heads=None, fisher_estimates=None, prev_theta=None, prev_task_embs=None, batch_size=None, reg_scaling=None): r"""This regularizer simply restricts the output-mapping for previous task embeddings. I.e., for all :math:`j < \text{task\_id}` minimize: .. math:: \lVert \text{target}_j - h(c_j, \theta + \Delta\theta) \rVert^2 where :math:`c_j` is the current task embedding for task :math:`j` (and we assumed that ``dTheta`` was passed). Args: hnet: The hypernetwork whose output should be regularized; has to implement the interface :class:`hnets.hnet_interface.HyperNetInterface`. task_id (int): The ID of the current task (the one that is used to compute ``dTheta``). targets (list): A list of outputs of the hypernetwork. Each list entry must have the output shape as returned by the :meth:`hnets.hnet_interface.HyperNetInterface.forward` method of the ``hnet``. Note, this function doesn't detach targets. If desired, that should be done before calling this function. Also see :func:`get_current_targets`. dTheta (list, optional): The current direction of weight change for the internal (unconditional) weights of the hypernetwork evaluated on the task-specific loss, i.e., the weight change that would be applied to the unconditional parameters :math:`\theta`. This regularizer aims to modify this direction, such that the hypernet output for embeddings of previous tasks remains unaffected. Note, this function does not detach ``dTheta``. It is up to the user to decide whether dTheta should be a constant vector or might depend on parameters of the hypernet. Also see :func:`utils.optim_step.calc_delta_theta`. dTembs (list, optional): The current direction of weight change for the task embeddings of all tasks that have been learned already. See ``dTheta`` for details. mnet: Instance of the main network. Has to be provided if ``inds_of_out_heads`` are specified. inds_of_out_heads: (list, optional): List of lists of integers, denoting which output neurons of the main network are used for predictions of the corresponding previous tasks. This will ensure that only weights of output neurons involved in solving a task are regularized. If provided, the method :meth:`mnets.mnet_interface.MainNetInterface.get_output_weight_mask of the main network ``mnet`` is used to determine which hypernetwork outputs require regularization. fisher_estimates (list, optional): A list of list of tensors, containing estimates of the Fisher Information matrix for each weight tensor in the main network and each task. Note, that :code:`len(fisher_estimates) == task_id`. The Fisher estimates are used as importance weights for single weights when computing the regularizer. prev_theta (list, optional): If given, ``prev_task_embs`` but not ``targets`` has to be specified. ``prev_theta`` is expected to be the internal unconditional weights :math:`theta` prior to learning the current task. Hence, it can be used to compute the targets on the fly (which is more memory efficient (constant memory), but more computationally demanding). The computed targets will be detached from the computational graph. Independent of the current hypernet mode, the targets are computed in ``eval`` mode. prev_task_embs (list, optional): If given, ``prev_theta`` but not ``targets`` has to be specified. ``prev_task_embs`` are the task embeddings (conditional parameters) of the hypernetwork. See docstring of ``prev_theta`` for more details. batch_size (int, optional): If specified, only a random subset of previous tasks is regularized. If the given number is bigger than the number of previous tasks, all previous tasks are regularized. Note: A ``batch_size`` smaller or equal to zero will be ignored rather than throwing an error. reg_scaling (list, optional): If specified, the regulariation terms for the different tasks are scaled arcording to the entries of this list. Returns: The value of the regularizer. """ assert isinstance(hnet, HyperNetInterface) assert task_id > 0 # FIXME We currently assume the hypernet has all parameters internally. # Alternatively, we could allow the parameters to be passed to us, that we # will then pass to the forward method. assert hnet.unconditional_params is not None and \ len(hnet.unconditional_params) > 0 assert targets is None or len(targets) == task_id assert inds_of_out_heads is None or mnet is not None assert inds_of_out_heads is None or len(inds_of_out_heads) >= task_id assert targets is None or (prev_theta is None and prev_task_embs is None) assert prev_theta is None or prev_task_embs is not None #assert prev_task_embs is None or len(prev_task_embs) >= task_id assert dTembs is None or len(dTembs) >= task_id assert reg_scaling is None or len(reg_scaling) >= task_id # Number of tasks to be regularized. num_regs = task_id ids_to_reg = list(range(num_regs)) if batch_size is not None and batch_size > 0: if num_regs > batch_size: ids_to_reg = np.random.choice(num_regs, size=batch_size, replace=False).tolist() num_regs = batch_size # FIXME Assuming all unconditional parameters are internal. assert len(hnet.unconditional_params) == \ len(hnet.unconditional_param_shapes) weights = dict() uncond_params = hnet.unconditional_params if dTheta is not None: uncond_params = hnet.add_to_uncond_params(dTheta, params=uncond_params) weights['uncond_weights'] = uncond_params if dTembs is not None: # FIXME That's a very unintutive solution for the user. The problem is, # that the whole function terminology is based on the old hypernet # interface. The new hypernet interface doesn't have the concept of # task embedding. # The problem is, the hypernet might not just have conditional input # embeddings, but also other conditional weights. # If it would just be conditional input embeddings, we could just add # `dTembs[i]` to the corresponding embedding and use the hypernet # forward argument `cond_input`, rather than passing conditional # parameters. # Here, we now assume all conditional parameters have been passed, which # is unrealistic. We leave the problem open for a future implementation # of this function. assert hnet.conditional_params is not None and \ len(hnet.conditional_params) == len(hnet.conditional_param_shapes) \ and len(hnet.conditional_params) == len(dTembs) weights['cond_weights'] = hnet.add_to_uncond_params(dTembs, params=hnet.conditional_params) if targets is None: prev_weights = dict() prev_weights['uncond_weights'] = prev_theta # FIXME We just assume that `prev_task_embs` are all conditional # weights. prev_weights['cond_weights'] = prev_task_embs reg = 0 for i in ids_to_reg: weights_predicted = hnet.forward(cond_id=i, weights=weights) if targets is not None: target = targets[i] else: # Compute targets in eval mode! hnet_mode = hnet.eval() # Compute target on the fly using previous hnet. with torch.no_grad(): target = hnet.forward(cond_id=i, weights=prev_weights) target = [d.detach().clone() for d in target] hnet.train(mode=hnet_mode) if inds_of_out_heads is not None: # Regularize all weights of the main network except for the weights # belonging to output heads of the target network other than the # current one (defined by task id). W_target = flatten_and_remove_out_heads(mnet, target, inds_of_out_heads[i]) W_predicted = flatten_and_remove_out_heads(mnet, weights_predicted, inds_of_out_heads[i]) else: # Regularize all weights of the main network. W_target =[w.view(-1) for w in target]) W_predicted =[w.view(-1) for w in weights_predicted]) if fisher_estimates is not None: _assert_shape_equality(weights_predicted, fisher_estimates[i]) if inds_of_out_heads is not None: FI = flatten_and_remove_out_heads(mnet, fisher_estimates[i], inds_of_out_heads[i]) else: FI =[w.view(-1) for w in fisher_estimates[i]]) reg_i = (FI * (W_target - W_predicted).pow(2)).sum() else: reg_i = (W_target - W_predicted).pow(2).sum() if reg_scaling is not None: reg += reg_scaling[i] * reg_i else: reg += reg_i return reg / num_regs
def _assert_shape_equality(list1, list2): """Ensure that 2 lists of tensors have the same shape.""" assert(len(list1) == len(list2)) for i in range(len(list1)): assert(np.all(np.equal(list(list1[i].shape), list(list2[i].shape))))
[docs]def flatten_and_remove_out_heads(mnet, weights, allowed_outputs): """Flatten a list of target network tensors to a single vector, such that output neurons that belong to other than the current output head are dropped. Note, this method assumes that the main network has a fully-connected output layer. Args: mnet: Main network instance. weights: A list of weight tensors of the main network (must adhere the corresponding weight shapes). allowed_outputs: List of integers, denoting which output neurons of the fully-connected output layer belong to the current head. Returns: The flattened weights with those output weights not belonging to the current head being removed. """ out_masks = mnet.get_output_weight_mask(out_inds=allowed_outputs) if mnet.hyper_shapes_learned_ref is None and \ len(weights) != len(mnet.param_shapes): raise NotImplementedError('Proper masking cannot be performed if ' + 'if attribute "hyper_shapes_learned_ref" is not implemented.') new_weights = [] for i, w in enumerate(weights): if len(weights) == len(mnet.param_shapes): w_ind = i else: assert len(weights) == len(mnet.hyper_shapes_learned_ref) w_ind = mnet.hyper_shapes_learned_ref[i] if out_masks[w_ind] is None: new_weights.append(w.flatten()) else: new_weights.append(w[out_masks[w_ind]].flatten()) return
if __name__ == '__main__': pass