Source code for hypnettorch.utils.local_conv2d_layer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# title          :utils/
# author         :ch
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# created        :10/30/2019
# version        :1.0
# python_version :3.6.8
2D-convolutional layer without weight sharing

This module implements a biologically-plausible version of a convolutional layer
that does not use weight-sharing. Such a convnet is termed "locally-connected
network" in:

    `Bartunov et al., "Assessing the Scalability of Biologically-Motivated Deep
    Learning Algorithms and Architectures", NeurIPS 2018.

.. autosummary::

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from hypnettorch.utils.torch_utils import init_params

[docs]class LocalConv2dLayer(nn.Module): r"""Implementation of a locally-connected 2D convolutional layer. Since this implementation of a convolutional layer doesn't use weight- sharing, it will have more parameters than a conventional convolutional layer such as :class:`torch.nn.Conv2d`. For example, consider a convolutional layer with kernel size ``[K, K]``, ``C_in`` input channels and ``C_out`` output channels, that has an output feature map size of ``[H, W]``. Each receptive field [#f1]_ will have its own weights, a parameter tensor of size ``K x K``. Thus, in total the layer will have ``C_out * C_in * H * W * K * K`` weights compared to ``C_out * C_in * K * K`` weights that a conventional :class:`torch.nn.Conv2d` would have. Consider the :math:`i`-th input feature map :math:`F^{(i)}` (:math:`1 \leq i \leq C_{\text{in}}`), the :math:`j`-th output feature map :math:`G^{(j)}` (:math:`1 \leq j \leq C_{\text{out}}`) and the pixel with coordinates :math:`(x,y)` in the :math:`j`-th output feature map :math:`G^{(j)}_{xy}` (:math:`1 \leq x \leq W` and :math:`1 \leq y \leq H`). We denote the filter weights of this pixel connecting to the :math:`i`-th input feature map by :math:`W_{xy}^{(i,j)} \in \mathbb{R}^{K \times K}`. The corresponding receptive field inside :math:`F^{(i)}` that is used to compute pixel :math:`G^{(j)}_{xy}` is denoted by :math:`\hat{F}^{(i)}(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^{K \times K}`. The bias weights for feature map :math:`G^{(j)}` are denoted by :math:`B^{(j)}`, with a scalar weight :math:`B^{(j)}_{xy}` for pixel :math:`(x,y)`. Using this notation, the computation of this layer can be described by the following formula .. math:: G^{(j)}_{xy} &= B^{(j)}_{xy} + \sum_{i=1}^{C_{\text{in}}} \text{sum} (W_{xy}^{(i,j)} \odot \hat{F}^{(i)}(x,y)) \\ &= B^{(j)}_{xy} + \sum_{i=1}^{C_{\text{in}}} \langle W_{xy}^{(i,j)}, \hat{F}^{(i)}(x,y) \rangle_F where :math:`\text{sum}(\cdot)` is the unary operator that computes the sum of all elements in a matrix, :math:`\odot` denotes the Hadamard product and :math:`\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle_F` denotes the Frobenius inner product, which computes the sum of the entries of the Hadamard product between real-valued matrices. **Implementation details** Let :math:`N` denote the batch size. We can use the function :func:`torch.nn.functional.unfold` to split our input, which is of shape ``[N, C_in, H_in, W_in]``, into receptive fields ``F_hat`` of dimension ``[N, C_in * K * K, H * W]``. The receptive field :math:`\hat{F}^{(i)}(x,y)` would then correspond to :code:`F_hat[:, i * K*K:(i+1) * K*K, y*H + x]`, assuming that indices now start at ``0`` and not at ``1``. In addition, we have a weight tensor ``W`` of shape ``[C_out, C_in * K * K, H * W]``. Now, we can compute the element-wise product of receptive fields and their filters by introducing a slack dimension into the shape of ``F_hat`` (i.e., ``[N, 1, C_in * K * K, H * W]``) and by using broadcasting. ``F_hat * W`` will result into a tensor of shape ``[N, C_out, C_in * K * K, H * W]``. By summing over the third dimension ``dim=2`` and reshaping the output we retrieve the result of our local convolutional layer. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input image. out_channels (int): Number of channels produced by the convolution. in_height (int): Height of the input feature maps, assuming that input feature maps have shape ``[C_in, H, W]`` (omitting the batch dimension). This argument is necessary to compute the size of output feature maps, as we need a filter for each pixel in each output feature map. in_width (int): Width of input feature maps. kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the convolving kernel. stride (int or tuple, optional): Stride of the convolution. padding (int or tuple, optional): Zero-padding added to both sides of the input. bias (bool, optional): If ``True``, adds a learnable bias to the output. There will be one scalar bias per filter. no_weights (bool): If ``True``, the layer will have no trainable weights. Hence, weights are expected to be passed to the :meth:`forward` method. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] For each of the ``C_in`` input feature maps, there is one receptive field for each pixel in all ``C_out`` feature maps. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, in_height, in_width, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True, no_weights=False): super(LocalConv2dLayer, self).__init__() if isinstance(kernel_size, int): kernel_size = (kernel_size, kernel_size) if isinstance(stride, int): stride = (stride, stride) if isinstance(padding, int): padding = (padding, padding) self._in_channels = in_channels self._out_channels = out_channels self._in_height = in_height self._in_width = in_width self._kernel_size = kernel_size self._stride = stride self._padding = padding self._has_bias = bias self._no_weights = no_weights self._out_height = (in_height - kernel_size[0] + 2 * padding[0]) // \ stride[0] + 1 self._out_width = (in_width - kernel_size[1] + 2 * padding[1]) // \ stride[1] + 1 # Size of a single receptive field. rf_size = in_channels * kernel_size[0] * kernel_size[1] self._rf_size = rf_size # Number of pixels per output feature map. num_pix = self._out_height * self._out_width self._num_pix = num_pix self._weights = None self._param_shapes = [[out_channels, rf_size, num_pix]] if bias: self._param_shapes.append([out_channels, num_pix]) if not no_weights: self._weights = nn.ParameterList() self.register_parameter('filters', nn.Parameter( \ torch.Tensor(*self._param_shapes[0]), requires_grad=True)) self._weights.append(self.filters) if bias: self.register_parameter('bias', nn.Parameter( \ torch.Tensor(*self._param_shapes[1]), requires_grad=True)) self._weights.append(self.bias) init_params(self.filters, self.bias) else: self.register_parameter('bias', None) init_params(self.filters) @property def weights(self): """A list of all internal weights of this layer. If all weights are assumed to be generated externally, then this attribute will be ``None``. :type: torch.nn.ParameterList or None """ return self._weights @property def param_shapes(self): """A list of list of integers. Each list represents the shape of a parameter tensor. Note, this attribute is independent of the attribute :attr:`weights`, it always comprises the shapes of all weight tensors as if the network would be stand-alone (i.e., no weights being passed to the :meth:`forward` method). :type: list """ return self._param_shapes @property def out_height(self): """Height of the output feature maps. :type: int """ return self._out_height @property def out_width(self): """Width of the output feature maps. :type: int """ return self._out_width
[docs] def forward(self, x, weights=None): """Compute output of local convolutional layer. Args: x: The input images of shape ``[N, C_in, H_in, W_in]``, where ``N`` denotes the batch size.. weights: Weights that should be used instead of the internally maintained once (determined by attribute :attr:`weights`). Note, if ``no_weights`` was ``True`` in the constructor, then this parameter is mandatory. Returns: The output feature maps of shape ``[N, C_out, H, W]``. """ if self._no_weights and weights is None: raise ValueError('Layer was generated without weights. ' + 'Hence, "weights" option may not be None.') if weights is None: filters = self.filters bias = self.bias else: assert(len(weights) == len(self.param_shapes)) for i, p in enumerate(weights): assert(np.all(np.equal(p.shape, self.param_shapes[i]))) filters = weights[0] if self._has_bias: bias = weights[1] else: bias = None # Extract receptive fields. F_hat = F.unfold(x, self._kernel_size, padding=self._padding, stride=self._stride) assert(np.all(np.equal(F_hat.shape[1:], [self._rf_size, self._num_pix]))) # Insert extra dim for broadcasting. F_hat = F_hat.view(-1, 1, self._rf_size, self._num_pix) # Compute Frobenius inner product. G = (F_hat * filters).sum(dim=2).squeeze(dim=2) assert(np.all(np.equal(G.shape[1:], [self._out_channels, self._num_pix]))) if bias is not None: G = G + bias G = G.view(-1, self._out_channels, self._out_height, self._out_width) return G
if __name__ == '__main__': pass