Source code for hypnettorch.utils.misc

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @title           :utils/
# @author          :ch
# @contact
# @created         :04/11/2019
# @version         :1.0
# @python_version  :3.6.7
Miscellaneous Utilities

A collection of helper functions.
import inspect
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from torch import nn
import torch
from warnings import warn

[docs]def init_params(weights, bias=None): """Initialize the weights and biases of a linear or (transpose) conv layer. Note, the implementation is based on the method "reset_parameters()", that defines the original PyTorch initialization for a linear or convolutional layer, resp. The implementations can be found here: .. deprecated:: 1.0 Please use function :func:`utils.torch_utils.init_params` instead. Args: weights: The weight tensor to be initialized. bias (optional): The bias tensor to be initialized. """ warn('Function is deprecated. Use "utils.torch_utils.init_params" instead.', DeprecationWarning) nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(weights, a=math.sqrt(5)) if bias is not None: fan_in, _ = nn.init._calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out(weights) bound = 1 / math.sqrt(fan_in) nn.init.uniform_(bias, -bound, bound)
[docs]def str_to_ints(str_arg): """Helper function to convert a string which is a list of comma separated integers into an actual list of integers. Args: str_arg: String containing list of comma-separated ints. For convenience reasons, we allow the user to also pass single integers that a put into a list of length 1 by this function. Returns: (list): List of integers. """ if isinstance(str_arg, int): return [str_arg] if len(str_arg) > 0: return [int(s) for s in str_arg.split(',')] else: return []
[docs]def str_to_floats(str_arg): """Helper function to convert a string which is a list of comma separated floats into an actual list of floats. Args: str_arg: String containing list of comma-separated floats. For convenience reasons, we allow the user to also pass single float that a put into a list of length 1 by this function. Returns: (list): List of floats. """ if isinstance(str_arg, float): return [str_arg] if len(str_arg) > 0: return [float(s) for s in str_arg.split(',')] else: return []
[docs]def list_to_str(list_arg, delim=' '): """Convert a list of numbers into a string. Args: list_arg: List of numbers. delim (optional): Delimiter between numbers. Returns: (str): List converted to string. """ ret = '' for i, e in enumerate(list_arg): if i > 0: ret += delim ret += str(e) return ret
[docs]def str_to_act(act_str): """Convert the name of an activation function into the actual PyTorch activation function. Args: act_str: Name of activation function (as defined by command-line arguments). Returns: Torch activation function instance or ``None``, if ``linear`` is given. """ if act_str == 'linear': act = None elif act_str == 'sigmoid': act = torch.nn.Sigmoid() elif act_str == 'relu': act = torch.nn.ReLU() elif act_str == 'elu': act = torch.nn.ELU() elif act_str == 'tanh': act = torch.nn.Tanh() else: raise Exception('Activation function %s unknown.' % act_str) return act
[docs]def configure_matplotlib_params(fig_size = [6.4, 4.8], two_axes=True, font_size=8, usetex=False): """Helper function to configure default matplotlib parameters. Args: fig_size: Figure size (width, height) in inches. usetex (bool): Whether ``text.usetex`` should be set (leads to an error on systems that don't have latex installed). """ params = { 'axes.labelsize': font_size, 'font.size': font_size, 'font.sans-serif': ['Arial'], 'text.usetex': usetex, 'text.latex.preamble': [r'\usepackage[scaled]{helvet}', r'\usepackage{sfmath}'], '': 'sans-serif', 'legend.fontsize': font_size, 'xtick.labelsize': font_size, 'ytick.labelsize': font_size, 'axes.titlesize': font_size, 'axes.spines.right' : not two_axes, '' : not two_axes, 'figure.figsize': fig_size, 'legend.handlelength': 0.5 } matplotlib.rcParams.update(params)
[docs]def get_colorbrewer2_colors(family = 'Set2'): """Helper function that returns a list of color combinations extracted from Args: (list): the color family from to use. """ # if family == 'Set2': return [ '#e41a1c', '#377eb8', '#4daf4a', '#984ea3', '#ff7f00', '#ffff33', '#a65628', '#b3de69' ] # elif family == 'Set3': return [ '#8dd3c7', '#ffffb3', '#bebada', '#fb8072', '#80b1d3', '#fdb462', '#b3de69', '#fccde5' ] # elif family == 'Dark2': return [ '#1b9e77', '#d95f02', '#7570b3', '#e7298a', '#66a61e', '#e6ab02', '#a6761d', '#666666' ] # elif family == 'Pastel': return [ '#fbb4ae', '#b3cde3', '#ccebc5', '#decbe4', '#fed9a6', '#ffffcc', '#e5d8bd' ] else: raise ValueError()
[docs]def repair_canvas_and_show_fig(fig, close=True): """If writing a figure to tensorboard via "add_figure" it might change the canvas, such that our backend doesn't allow to show the figure anymore. This method will generate a new canvas and replace the old one of the given figure. Args: fig: The figure to be shown. close: Whether the figure should be closed after it has been shown. """ tmp_fig = plt.figure() tmp_manager = tmp_fig.canvas.manager tmp_manager.canvas.figure = fig fig.set_canvas(tmp_manager.canvas) plt.close(tmp_fig.number) plt.figure(fig.number) if close: plt.close(fig.number)
[docs]def get_default_args(func): """Get the default values of all keyword arguments for a given function. Args: func: A function handle. Returns: (dict): Dictionary with keyword argument names as keys and their default value as values. """ # The code from this function has been copied from (accessed: 02/28/2020): # # # NOTE Our copyright and license does not apply for this function. # We use this code WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES. # # Instead, the code in this method is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0: # # # The code stems from an answer by user "mgilson": # signature = inspect.signature(func) return { k: v.default for k, v in signature.parameters.items() \ if v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty }
if __name__ == '__main__': pass