Source code for hypnettorch.utils.si_regularizer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# @title          :utils/
# @author         :ch
# @contact
# @created        :02/14/2020
# @version        :1.0
# @python_version :3.6.9
Synaptic Intelligence

The module :mod:`utils.si_regularizer` implements the Synaptic Intelligence (SI)
regularizer proposed in

    Zenke et al., "Continual Learning Through Synaptic Intelligence", 2017.

    We aim to follow the suggested implementation from appendix section A.2.3 in

        van de Ven et al., "Three scenarios for continual learning", 2019.

    We additionally ensure that importance weights :math:`\Omega` are positive.

    This implementation has the following memory requirements. Let :math:`n`
    denote the number of parameters to be regularized.

    We always need to store the importance weights :math:`\Omega` and the
    checkpointed weights after learning the last task

    We also need to checkpoint the weights right before the optimizer step is
    performed :math:`\theta_\text{pre\_step}` in order to update the running
    importance estimate :math:`\omega`.

    Hence, we keep an additional memory of :math:`4n`.

.. autosummary::


import torch

[docs]def si_pre_optim_step(net, params, params_name=None, no_pre_step_ckpt=False): r"""Prepare SI importance estimate before running the optimizer step. This function has to be called before running the optimizer step in order to checkpoint :math:`\theta_\text{pre\_step}`. Note: When this function is called the first time (for the first task), the given parameters will also be checkpointed as the initial weights, which are required to normalize importances :math:\Omega` after training. Args: net (torch.nn.Module): A network required to store buffers (i.e., the running variables that SI needs to keep track of). params (list): A list of parameter tensors. For each parameter tensor in this list that ``requires_grad`` the importances will be measured. params_name (str, optional): In case SI should be performed for multiple parameter groups ``params``, one has to assign names to each group via this option. no_pre_step_ckpt (bool): If ``True``, then this function will not checkpoint :math:`\theta_\text{pre\_step}`. Instead, option ``delta_params`` of function :func:`si_post_optim_step` is expected to be set. Note: One still has to call this function once before updating the parameters of the first task for the first time. """ for i, p in enumerate(params): _, prev_theta_name, _, pre_step_theta_name = _si_buffer_names(i, params_name=params_name) if p.requires_grad: if not hasattr(net, prev_theta_name): # Note, this condition should only be True when calling this # function for the very first time. It is required to later # normalize Omega. net.register_buffer(prev_theta_name, p.detach().clone()) if not no_pre_step_ckpt: net.register_buffer(pre_step_theta_name, p.detach().clone())
[docs]def si_post_optim_step(net, params, params_name=None, delta_params=None): r"""Update running importance estimate :math:`\omega`. This function is called after an optimizer update step has been performed. It will perform an update of the internal running variable :math:\omega` using the current parameter values, the checkpointed parameter values before the optimizer step (:math:`\theta_\text{pre\_step}`, see function :func:`si_pre_optim_step`) and the negative gradients accumulated in the ``grad`` variables of the parameters. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`si_pre_optim_step`. delta_params (list): One may pass the parameter update step directly. In this case. the difference between the current parameter values and the previous ones :math:`\theta_\text{pre\_step}` will not be computed. Note: One may use the functions provided in module :mod:`utils.optim_step` to calculate ``delta_params`` Note: When this option is used, it is not required to explicitly call the optimizer its ``step`` function. Though, it is still required that gradients are computed and accumulated in the ``grad`` variables of the parameters in ``params``. Note: This option is particularly interesting if importances should only be estimated wrt to a part of the total loss function, e.g., the task-specific part, ignoring other parts of the loss (e.g., regularizers). """ for i, p in enumerate(params): _, _, running_omega_name, pre_step_theta_name = _si_buffer_names(i, params_name=params_name) if p.requires_grad: if p.grad is None: raise ValueError('Function "si_post_optim_step" expects that ' + 'gradients wrt the loss have been computed.') if not hasattr(net, running_omega_name) or \ getattr(net, running_omega_name) is None: omega = torch.zeros_like(p).to(p.device) else: omega = getattr(net, running_omega_name) if delta_params is None: if not hasattr(net, pre_step_theta_name) or \ getattr(net, pre_step_theta_name) is None: raise ValueError('Function "si_post_optim_step" requires ' + 'that function "si_pre_optim_step" has ' + 'been called or "delta_params" was set.') delta_p = (p.detach() - getattr(net, pre_step_theta_name)) # Allows us to detect inconsistent use of functions and to # reduce memory footprint during testing. setattr(net, pre_step_theta_name, None) else: delta_p = delta_params[i] omega += delta_p * (-p.grad) net.register_buffer(running_omega_name, omega)
[docs]def si_compute_importance(net, params, params_name=None, epsilon=1e-3): r"""Compute weight importance :math:`\Omega` after training a task. Note: This function is assumed to be called after the training on the current task finished. It will set the variable :math:`\theta_\text{prev}` to the current parameter value. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`si_pre_optim_step`. epsilon (float): Damping parameter used to ensure numerical stability when normalizing weight importance. """ for i, p in enumerate(params): if not p.requires_grad: continue omega_name, prev_theta_name, running_omega_name, _ = _si_buffer_names(i, params_name=params_name) if not hasattr(net, prev_theta_name): raise ValueError('SI importance weights can only be computed if ' + 'function "si_pre_optim_step" has been called ' + 'at the beginning of training the first task.') if not hasattr(net, running_omega_name): raise ValueError('SI importance weights can only be computed if ' + 'function "si_post_optim_step" has been ' + 'correctly used during training.') prev_theta = getattr(net, prev_theta_name) running_omega = getattr(net, running_omega_name) if not hasattr(net, omega_name): omega = torch.zeros_like(p).to(p.device) else: omega = getattr(net, omega_name) total_change = p.detach() - prev_theta omega_current = running_omega / (total_change**2 + epsilon) # Ensure, that we only add positive importance weights (otherwise, we # would drive weights away from the previous solution). omega += torch.clamp(omega_current, min=0) net.register_buffer(omega_name, omega) # Update theta_prev which is important next time this function is # called. net.register_buffer(prev_theta_name, p.detach().clone()) # Important, we have to reset the running importance estimate before # starting training on the next task. setattr(net, running_omega_name, None)
[docs]def si_regularizer(net, params, params_name=None): """Apply synaptic intelligence regularizer. This function computes the SI regularizer. Note, a regularization strength should be multiplied by the returned loss post-hoc, to tune the strength. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`si_pre_optim_step`. Returns: (torch.Tensor): The regularizer as scalar value. """ reg = 0. for i, p in enumerate(params): if not p.requires_grad: continue omega_name, prev_theta_name, _, _ = _si_buffer_names(i, params_name=params_name) if not hasattr(net, omega_name) or not hasattr(net, prev_theta_name): raise ValueError('Function "si_regularizer" can only be used ' + 'after function "si_compute_importance" has ' + 'been called at least once.') prev_theta = getattr(net, prev_theta_name) omega = getattr(net, omega_name) reg += (omega * (p - prev_theta)**2).sum() return reg
def _si_buffer_names(param_id, params_name=None): r"""The names of the buffers used to store SI variables. Args: param_id (int): Identifier of parameter tensor. params_name (str, optional): Name of the parameter group. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: - **omega_name**: Buffer name of :math:`\Omega`. - **prev_theta_name**: Buffer name of :math:`\theta_\text{prev}`. - **running_omega_name**: Buffer name of :math:\omega`. - **pre_step_theta_name**: Buffer name of :math:`\theta_\text{pre\_step}`. """ pname = '' if params_name is None else '_%s' % params_name omega_name = 'si_omega{}_weights_{}'.format(pname, param_id) prev_theta_name = 'si_prev_theta{}_weights_{}'.format(pname, param_id) running_omega_name = 'si_running_omega{}_weights_{}'.format(pname, param_id) pre_step_theta_name = 'si_pre_step_theta{}_weights_{}'.format(pname, param_id) return omega_name, prev_theta_name, running_omega_name, pre_step_theta_name if __name__ == '__main__': pass