Source code for hypnettorch.utils.torch_ckpts

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2018 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @title 
# @author          :ch
# @contact
# @created         :11/18/2018
# @version         :1.0
# @python_version  :3.6.6
Checkpointing PyTorch Models

This module provides functions to handle PyTorch checkpoints with a similar
convenience as one might be used to in Tensorflow.

.. autosummary::


import os
import torch
import time
import json

# Key that will be added to the state dictionary for maintenance reasons.
_INTERNAL_KEY = '_ckpt_internal'

[docs]def save_checkpoint(ckpt_dict, file_path, performance_score, train_iter=None, max_ckpts_to_keep=5, keep_cktp_every=2, timestamp=None): """Save checkpoint to file. Example: .. code-block:: python save_checkpoint({ 'state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'train_iter': curr_iteration }, 'ckpts/my_net', current_test_accuracy) Args: ckpt_dict: A dict with mostly arbitrary content. Though, most important, it needs to include the state dict and should also include the current training iteration. file_path: Where to store the checkpoint. Note, the filepath should not change. Instead, ``train_iter`` should be provided, such that this method can handle the filenames by itself. Note: The function currently assumes that within the same directory, no checkpoint filenname is the prefix of another checkpoint filename (e.g., if several networks are checkpointed into the same directory). performance_score: A score that expresses the performance of the current network state, e.g., accuracy for a classification task. This score is used to maintain the list of kept checkpoints during training. train_iter (optional): If given, it will be added to the filename. Otherwise, existing checkpoints are simply overwritten. max_ckpts_to_keep: The maximum number of checkpoints to keep. This will use the performance score to determine the n-1 checkpoints not to be deleted (where n is the number of checkpoints to keep). The current checkpoint will always be saved. keep_cktp_every: If this option is not :code:`None`, then every n hours one checkpoint will be permanently saved, i.e., this checkpoint will not be maintained by 'max_ckpts_to_keep' anymore. The checkpoint to be kept will be the best one from the time window that spans the last n hours. timestamp (optional): The timestamp of this checkpoint. If not given, a current timestamp will be used. This option is useful when one aims to synchronize checkpoint savings from multiple networks. """ if timestamp is None: ts = time.time() # timestamp else: ts = timestamp assert('state_dict' in ckpt_dict.keys()) # We need to store internal (checkpoint maintenance related) information in # each checkpoint. internal_key = _INTERNAL_KEY assert(internal_key not in ckpt_dict.keys()) ckpt_dict[internal_key] = dict() ckpt_dict[internal_key]['permanent'] = False ckpt_dict[internal_key]['score'] = performance_score ckpt_dict[internal_key]['ts']= ts # FIXME We currently don't care about file extensions. dname, fname = os.path.split(file_path) # Where do we store meta data, needed for maintenance. meta_fn = ('.' if not fname.startswith('.') else '') + fname + '_meta' meta_fn = os.path.join(dname, meta_fn) if not os.path.exists(dname): os.makedirs(dname) # Needed for option 'keep_cktp_every'. When was the first ckpt stored? if not os.path.exists(meta_fn): with open(meta_fn, 'w') as f: json.dump({'init_ts': ts}, f) init_ts = ts else: with open(meta_fn) as f: meta_dict = json.load(f) init_ts = meta_dict['init_ts'] hrs_passed = (ts - init_ts) / (60 * 60) ### Iterate all existing checkpoints to determine which we remove. ckpt_fns = [os.path.join(dname, f) for f in os.listdir(dname) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dname, f)) and f.startswith(fname)] kept_ckpts = [] permanent_ckpts = [] for fn in ckpt_fns: # FIXME loading all checkpoints is expensive. ckpt = torch.load(fn) if not internal_key in ckpt: continue if ckpt[internal_key]['permanent']: permanent_ckpts.append((fn, ckpt[internal_key]['ts'])) else: kept_ckpts.append((fn, ckpt[internal_key]['ts'], ckpt[internal_key]['score'])) ## Decide, whether a new permanent checkpoint should be saved. if keep_cktp_every is not None and hrs_passed >= keep_cktp_every: perm_ckpt_needed = True num_wins = hrs_passed // keep_cktp_every win_start = (num_wins-1) * keep_cktp_every # Check whether a permanent checkpoint for the current window already # exists. if len(permanent_ckpts) > 0: permanent_ckpts.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) ts_last_perm = permanent_ckpts[0][1] if ((ts_last_perm - init_ts) / (60 * 60)) >= win_start: perm_ckpt_needed = False if perm_ckpt_needed: # Choose the checkpoint with the best score in the current window # as next permanent checkpoint. kept_ckpts.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) max_score = -1 max_ind = -1 for i, tup in enumerate(kept_ckpts): if ((tup[1] - init_ts) / (60 * 60)) < win_start: break if max_ind == -1 or max_score < tup[2]: max_ind = i max_score = tup[2] if max_ind != -1 and max_score > performance_score: # Transform an existing checkpoint into a permanent one. ckpt_tup = kept_ckpts[max_ind] # Important, we need to remove this item from the kept_ckpts, # as this list is used in the next step to determine which # checkpoints are removed. del kept_ckpts[max_ind] print('Checkpoint %s will be kept permanently.' % ckpt_tup[0]) # FIXME: We might need the device here as in the load method. ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_tup[0]) ckpt[internal_key]['permanent'] = True, ckpt_tup[0]) else: print('New checkpoint will be kept permanently.') ckpt_dict[internal_key]['permanent'] = True ## Decide, whether a checkpoint has to be deleted. if len(kept_ckpts) >= max_ckpts_to_keep: kept_ckpts.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[2]) for i in range(len(kept_ckpts) - (max_ckpts_to_keep-1)): fn = kept_ckpts[i][0] print('Deleting old checkpoint: %s.' % fn) os.remove(fn) ### Save new checkpoint. if train_iter is not None: file_path += '_%d' % train_iter, file_path) print('Checkpoint saved to %s' % file_path)
[docs]def load_checkpoint(ckpt_path, net, device=None, ret_performance_score=False): """Load a checkpoint from file. Args: ckpt_path: Path to checkpoint. net: The network, that should load the state dict saved in this checkpoint. device (optional): The device currently used by the model. Can help to speed up loading the checkpoint. ret_performance_score: If True, the score associated with this checkpoint will be returned as well. See argument "performance_score" of method "save_ckecpoint". Returns: The loaded checkpoint. Note, the state_dict is already applied to the network. However, there might be other important dict elements. """ # See here for details on how to load the checkpoint: # if device is not None and device.type == 'cuda': ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path) else: # Load GPU model on CPU ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) net.load_state_dict(ckpt['state_dict']) if ret_performance_score: score = ckpt[_INTERNAL_KEY]['score'] # That key was added for maintenance reasons in the method save_checkpoint. if _INTERNAL_KEY in ckpt: del ckpt[_INTERNAL_KEY] if ret_performance_score: return ckpt, score return ckpt
[docs]def make_ckpt_list(file_path): """Creates a file that lists all checkpoints together with there scores, such that one can easily find the checkpoint associated with the maximum score. Args: file_path: See method :func:`save_checkpoints`. """ internal_key = _INTERNAL_KEY dname, fname = os.path.split(file_path) assert(os.path.exists(dname)) ckpt_fns = [(f, os.path.join(dname, f)) for f in os.listdir(dname) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dname, f)) and f.startswith(fname)] ckpts = [] for fn, fpath in ckpt_fns: ckpt = torch.load(fpath) if not internal_key in ckpt: continue score = ckpt[internal_key]['score'] ckpts.append((fn, score)) ckpts.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) with open(os.path.join(dname, 'score_list_' + fname + '.txt'), 'w') as f: for tup in ckpts: f.write('%s, %f\n' % (tup[0], tup[1]))
[docs]def get_best_ckpt_path(file_path): """Returns the path to the checkpoint with the highest score. Args: file_path: See method :func:`save_checkpoints`. """ dname, fname = os.path.split(file_path) assert(os.path.exists(dname)) # See method make_ckpt_list. ckpt_list_fn = os.path.join(dname, 'score_list_' + fname + '.txt') if os.path.exists(ckpt_list_fn): with open(ckpt_list_fn, 'r') as f: # Get first word from file. Note, the filename ends with a comma. best_ckpt_fname = f.readline().split(None, 1)[0][:-1] return os.path.join(dname, best_ckpt_fname) # Go through each checkpoint and evaluate the score achieved. ckpt_fns = [(f, os.path.join(dname, f)) for f in os.listdir(dname) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dname, f)) and f.startswith(fname)] best_ckpt_path = None best_score = float('-inf') for fn, fpath in ckpt_fns: ckpt = torch.load(fpath) if not _INTERNAL_KEY in ckpt: continue score = ckpt[_INTERNAL_KEY]['score'] if score > best_score: best_score = score best_ckpt_path = fpath return best_ckpt_path
if __name__ == '__main__': pass