Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2019 Christian Henning
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @title 
# @author          :ch
# @contact
# @created         :04/10/2019
# @version         :1.0
# @python_version  :3.6.8
1D Regression Dataset

The module :mod:`data.special.regression1d_data` contains a data handler for a
CL toy regression problem. The user can construct individual datasets with this
data handler and use each of these datasets to train a model in a continual
leraning setting.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import cm
from warnings import warn

from hypnettorch.utils import misc
from import Dataset

[docs]class ToyRegression(Dataset): """An instance of this class shall represent a simple regression task.""" def __init__(self, train_inter=[-10, 10], num_train=20, test_inter=[-10, 10], num_test=80, val_inter=None, num_val=None, map_function=lambda x : x, std=0., perturb_test_val=False, rseed=None): """Generate a new dataset. The input data x will be uniformly drawn for train samples and equidistant for test samples. The user has to specify a function that will map this random input data onto output samples y. Args: train_inter (tuple or list): A tuple, representing the interval from which x samples are drawn in the training set. ``train_inter`` may also be provided as a list of tuples, in which case training samples will be distributed according to the range covered by each tuple. num_train (int): Number of training samples. test_inter (tuple): A tuple, representing the interval from which x samples are drawn in the test set. num_test (int): Number of test samples. val_inter (tuple, optional): See parameter `test_inter`. If set, this argument leads to the construction of a validation set. Note, option ``num_val`` need to be specified as well. num_val (int, optional): Number of validation samples. map_function (func): A function handle that receives input samples and maps them to output samples. std (float or func): If not zero, Gaussian white noise with this std will be added to the training outputs. Heteroscedasticity can be realized by passing a function :math:`\sigma(x)` that describes the standard deviations at a given location :math:`x`. Note, this function may only outputs numbers :math:`\geq 0`. perturb_test_val (bool): By default, the option ``std`` only adds noise to the training data, not the validation or test data. If this option is ``True``, then also the validation and test targets will be perturbed. This might be helpful for measuring calibration. rseed (int): If ``None``, the current random state of numpy is used to generate the data. Otherwise, a new random state with the given seed is generated. """ super().__init__() assert val_inter is None and num_val is None or \ val_inter is not None and num_val is not None if rseed is None: rand = np.random else: rand = np.random.RandomState(rseed) # Generate training inputs. if not isinstance(train_inter[0], (list, tuple)): # Single tuple assert len(train_inter) == 2 train_inter = [train_inter] min_train_x = min([t[0] for t in train_inter]) max_train_x = max([t[1] for t in train_inter]) fractions = np.array([t[1] - t[0] for t in train_inter], dtype=float) fractions /= np.sum(fractions) num_per_inter = np.rint(fractions * num_train) # We need to ensure that `np.sum(num_per_inter) == num_train` num_diff = num_train - np.sum(num_per_inter) num_diff_per_inter = np.ceil(np.abs(num_diff) / len(train_inter)) for i in range(len(train_inter)): correction = min(num_diff_per_inter, np.abs(num_diff)) if num_diff > 0: num_per_inter[i] += correction num_diff -= correction else: num_per_inter[i] -= correction num_diff += correction assert np.sum(num_per_inter) == num_train train_x = np.vstack( \ [rand.uniform(low=t[0], high=t[1], size=(int(num_per_inter[i]), 1)) \ for i, t in enumerate(train_inter)]) # Generate test inputs. test_x = np.linspace(start=test_inter[0], stop=test_inter[1], num=num_test).reshape((num_test, 1)) train_y = map_function(train_x) test_y = map_function(test_x) def target_perturbation(inputs, targets): """Perturb the targets using ``std``.""" num_inputs = inputs.shape[0] # Perturb training outputs. if isinstance(std, (int, float)): if std > 0: trgt_eps = rand.normal(loc=0.0, scale=std, size=(num_inputs, 1)) targets += trgt_eps else: stds = std(inputs) trgt_eps = rand.normal(loc=0.0, scale=stds, size=(num_inputs, 1)) targets += trgt_eps target_perturbation(train_x, train_y) if perturb_test_val: target_perturbation(test_x, test_y) # Create validation data if requested. if num_val is not None: val_x = np.linspace(start=val_inter[0], stop=val_inter[1], num=num_val).reshape((num_val, 1)) val_y = map_function(val_x) if perturb_test_val: target_perturbation(val_x, val_y) in_data = np.vstack([train_x, test_x, val_x]) out_data = np.vstack([train_y, test_y, val_y]) else: in_data = np.vstack([train_x, test_x]) out_data = np.vstack([train_y, test_y]) # Specify internal data structure. self._data['classification'] = False self._data['sequence'] = False self._data['in_data'] = in_data self._data['in_shape'] = [1] self._data['out_data'] = out_data self._data['out_shape'] = [1] self._data['train_inds'] = np.arange(num_train) self._data['test_inds'] = np.arange(num_train, num_train + num_test) if num_val is not None: n_start = num_train + num_test self._data['val_inds'] = np.arange(n_start, n_start + num_val) self._map = map_function self._train_inter = (min_train_x, max_train_x) self._test_inter = test_inter self._val_inter = val_inter @property def train_x_range(self): """The input range for training samples.""" return self._train_inter @property def test_x_range(self): """The input range for test samples.""" return self._test_inter @property def val_x_range(self): """The input range for validation samples.""" return self._val_inter def _get_function_vals(self, num_samples=100, x_range=None): """Get real function values for equidistant x values in a range that covers the test and training data. These values can be used to plot the ground truth function. Args: num_samples: Number of samples to be produced. x_range: If a specific range should be used to gather function values. Returns: x, y: Two numpy arrays containing the corresponding x and y values. """ if x_range is None: min_x = min(self._train_inter[0], self._test_inter[0]) max_x = max(self._train_inter[1], self._test_inter[1]) if self.num_val_samples > 0: min_x = min(min_x, self._val_inter[0]) max_x = max(max_x, self._val_inter[1]) else: min_x = x_range[0] max_x = x_range[1] slack_x = 0.05 * (max_x - min_x) sample_x = np.linspace(start=min_x-slack_x, stop=max_x+slack_x, num=num_samples).reshape((num_samples, 1)) sample_y = self._map(sample_x) return sample_x, sample_y
[docs] def plot_dataset(self, show=True): """Plot the whole dataset. Args: show: Whether the plot should be shown. """ train_x = self.get_train_inputs().squeeze() train_y = self.get_train_outputs().squeeze() test_x = self.get_test_inputs().squeeze() test_y = self.get_test_outputs().squeeze() if self.num_val_samples > 0: val_x = self.get_val_inputs().squeeze() val_y = self.get_val_outputs().squeeze() sample_x, sample_y = self._get_function_vals() # The default matplotlib setting is usually too high for most plots. plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=2) plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6) plt.plot(sample_x, sample_y, color='k', label='f(x)', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=.5) plt.scatter(train_x, train_y, color='r', label='Train') plt.scatter(test_x, test_y, color='b', label='Test', alpha=0.8) if self.num_val_samples > 0: plt.scatter(val_x, val_y, color='g', label='Val', alpha=0.5) plt.legend() plt.title('1D-Regression Dataset') plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$y$') if show:
[docs] def plot_predictions(self, predictions, label='Pred', show_train=True, show_test=True): """Plot the dataset as well as predictions. Args: predictions: A tuple of x and y values, where the y values are computed by a trained regression network. Note, that we assume the x values to be sorted. label: Label of the predicted values as shown in the legend. show_train: Show train samples. show_test: Show test samples. """ train_x = self.get_train_inputs().squeeze() train_y = self.get_train_outputs().squeeze() test_x = self.get_test_inputs().squeeze() test_y = self.get_test_outputs().squeeze() sample_x, sample_y = self._get_function_vals() plt.plot(sample_x, sample_y, color='k', label='f(x)', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=.5) if show_train: plt.scatter(train_x, train_y, color='r', label='Train') if show_test: plt.scatter(test_x, test_y, color='b', label='Test') plt.scatter(predictions[0], predictions[1], color='g', label=label) plt.legend() plt.title('1D-Regression Dataset') plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$y$')
[docs] def get_identifier(self): """Returns the name of the dataset.""" return '1DRegression'
[docs] def plot_samples(self, title, inputs, outputs=None, predictions=None, num_samples_per_row=4, show=True, filename=None, interactive=False, figsize=(10, 6)): """Plot samples belonging to this dataset. Note: Either ``outputs`` or ``predictions`` must be not ``None``! Args: title: The title of the whole figure. inputs: A 2D numpy array, where each row is an input sample. outputs (optional): A 2D numpy array of actual dataset targets. predictions (optional): A 2D numpy array of predicted output samples (i.e., output predicted by a neural network). num_samples_per_row: Maximum number of samples plotted per row in the generated figure. show: Whether the plot should be shown. filename (optional): If provided, the figure will be stored under this filename. interactive: Turn on interactive mode. We mainly use this option to ensure that the program will run in background while figure is displayed. The figure will be displayed until another one is displayed, the user closes it or the program has terminated. If this option is deactivated, the program will freeze until the user closes the figure. Note, if using the iPython inline backend, this option has no effect. figsize: A tuple, determining the size of the figure in inches. """ assert( outputs is not None or predictions is not None) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.title(title, size=20) if interactive: plt.ion() sample_x, sample_y = self._get_function_vals() plt.plot(sample_x, sample_y, color='k', label='f(x)', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=.5) if outputs is not None: plt.scatter(inputs, outputs, color='b', label='Targets') if predictions is not None: plt.scatter(inputs, predictions, color='r', label='Predictions') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('$x$') plt.ylabel('$y$') if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') if show:
def _plot_sample(self, fig, inner_grid, num_inner_plots, ind, inputs, outputs=None, predictions=None): """Not implemented""" # We overwrote the plot_samples method, so there is no need to ever call # this method (it's just here because the baseclass requires its # existence). raise NotImplementedError('TODO implement')
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_datasets(data_handlers, inputs=None, predictions=None, labels=None, fun_xranges=None, show=True, filename=None, figsize=(10, 6), publication_style=False): """Plot several datasets of this class in one plot. Args: data_handlers: A list of ToyRegression objects. inputs (optional): A list of numpy arrays representing inputs for each dataset. predictions (optional): A list of numpy arrays containing the predicted output values for the given input values. labels (optional): A label for each dataset. fun_xranges (optional): List of x ranges in which the true underlying function per dataset should be sketched. show: Whether the plot should be shown. filename (optional): If provided, the figure will be stored under this filename. figsize: A tuple, determining the size of the figure in inches. publication_style: Whether the plots should be in publication style. """ n = len(data_handlers) assert((inputs is None and predictions is None) or \ (inputs is not None and predictions is not None)) assert((inputs is None or len(inputs) == n) and \ (predictions is None or len(predictions) == n) and \ (labels is None or len(labels) == n)) assert(fun_xranges is None or len(fun_xranges) == n) # Set-up matplotlib to adhere to our graphical conventions. #misc.configure_matplotlib_params(fig_size=1.2*np.array([1.6, 1]), # font_size=8) # Get a colorscheme from colors = misc.get_colorbrewer2_colors(family='Dark2') if n > len(colors): warn('Changing to automatic color scheme as we don\'t have ' + 'as many manual colors as tasks.') colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, n)) if publication_style: ts, lw, ms = 60, 15, 140 # text fontsize, line width, marker size figsize = (12, 6) else: ts, lw, ms = 12, 2, 15 fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) plt.title('1D regression', size=ts, pad=ts) phandlers = [] plabels = [] for i, data in enumerate(data_handlers): if labels is not None: lbl = labels[i] else: lbl = 'Function %d' % i fun_xrange = None if fun_xranges is not None: fun_xrange = fun_xranges[i] sample_x, sample_y = data._get_function_vals(x_range=fun_xrange) p, = plt.plot(sample_x, sample_y, color=colors[i], linestyle='dashed', linewidth=lw/3) phandlers.append(p) plabels.append(lbl) if inputs is not None: p = plt.scatter(inputs[i], predictions[i], color=colors[i], s=ms) phandlers.append(p) plabels.append('Predictions') if publication_style: axes.grid(False) axes.set_facecolor('w') axes.axhline(y=axes.get_ylim()[0], color='k', lw=lw) axes.axvline(x=axes.get_xlim()[0], color='k', lw=lw) if len(data_handlers)==3: plt.yticks([-1, 0, 1], fontsize=ts) plt.xticks([-2.5, 0, 2.5], fontsize=ts) else: for tick in axes.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(ts) for tick in axes.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(ts) axes.tick_params(axis='both', length=lw, direction='out', width=lw/2.) else: plt.legend(phandlers, plabels) plt.xlabel('$x$', fontsize=ts) plt.ylabel('$y$', fontsize=ts) plt.tight_layout() if filename is not None: #plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') if show:
if __name__ == '__main__': pass