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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 Maria Cervera
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# title           :data/timeseries/
# author          :mc
# contact
# created         :09/08/2020
# version         :1.0
# python_version  :3.7
Multilingual universal Dependencies Dataset

A data handler for the multilingual universal dependencies dataset:

This dataset is a Part-of-Speech tagging dataset that assigns to each token in
a sentence one of a set of universal syntactic tags. We adapt this dataset
to a Continual Learning scenario by considering Part-of-Speech tagging in
different languages as different tasks.
import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
import urllib.request
import torch

from import SequentialDataset

[docs]def get_mud_handlers(data_path, num_tasks=5): """This function instantiates ``num_tasks`` objects of the class :class:`MUDData` each of which will contain a PoS dataset for a different language. Args: data_path (str): See argument ``data_path`` of class :class:`data.timeseries.smnist_data.SMNISTData`. If not existing, the dataset will be downloaded into this folder. num_tasks (int, optional): The number of data handlers that should be returned by this function. Returns: (list): A list of data handlers, each corresponding to an object of class :class:`MUDData` object. """ print('Creating %d data handlers for PoS tagging tasks ...' % num_tasks) # LOAD DATA # If dataset does not exist in dataset folder, download it. # FIXME Dropbox link might become invalid in the near future. data_path_ud = os.path.join(data_path, 'sequential/mud/mud_data_2_6.pickle') if not os.path.exists(data_path_ud): data_dir = os.path.dirname(data_path_ud) if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.makedirs(data_dir) url = \ "" try: u = urllib.request.urlopen(url) data = u.close() except: raise RuntimeError('Multilingual universal dependencies data ' + 'cannot be downloaded. ' + 'If you are working on the cluster, please manually '+ 'copy the pickled dataset into the following location: ' '%s. ' % (data_path_ud) + 'If the dropbox link (%s) ' % url + 'is invalid, please rebuild the dataset using the script ' + '"".') with open(data_path_ud, "wb") as f: f.write(data) # load embedding data data_path_emb = os.path.join(data_path, 'sequential/mud/embeddings.pickle') if not os.path.exists(data_path_emb): url = "" try: u = urllib.request.urlopen(url) data = u.close() except: raise RuntimeError('Word embeddings cannot be downloaded. '+ 'If you are working on the cluster, please manually '+ 'copy the pickled dataset into the dataset folder.') with open(data_path_emb, "wb") as f: f.write(data) with open(data_path_ud, 'rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f) assert len(data) == 3 data, vocab, tagset = data # `data[i]` is a tuple consisting of train, test and val set. Each of those # is a tuple consisting of an array encoding the sentences (contaning # vocabulary indices), an array containing the target outputs (containing # tagset indices) and an array containing the actual sentence lengths # (note, they are already all padded to the same length). # `vocab[i]` is a list representing the vocabulary of the language (task). # `tagset` is the PoS tagset shared among all tasks. if num_tasks > len(data): raise RuntimeError('Requested %d PoS tag dataset, but only %d ' \ % (num_tasks, len(data)) +'languages are ' + 'available!') handlers = [] for task_id in range(num_tasks): dhandler = MUDData(data[task_id], vocabulary=vocab[task_id], tagset=tagset) handlers.append(dhandler) print('Creating data handlers for PoS tasks ... Done') return handlers
[docs]class MUDData(SequentialDataset): """Datahandler for the multilingual universal dependencies dataset. Args: task_data: A preprocessed dataset structure. Please use function :func:`get_mud_handlers` to create instances of this class. vocabulary (list or tuple, optional): The vocabular, i.e., a list of words that allows us to decode input sentences. tagset (list or tuple, optional): The PoS tagset. """ def __init__(self, task_data, vocabulary=None, tagset=None): super().__init__() self.target_per_timestep = True self._vocab = vocabulary self._tagset = tagset # select the task and structure train/test/val data data = task_data num_time_steps = data[0][0].shape[1] num_samples = np.sum([x[0].shape[0] for x in data]) in_shape = 1 out_shape = 17 in_data = np.zeros((num_time_steps,num_samples)) out_data = np.zeros((num_time_steps,num_samples)) seq_lengths = np.zeros(num_samples) # concat train test and val and save indices inds = [] sample_count = 0 for d in data: # d contains words, tags, lens words, tags, lens = d idx = np.arange(sample_count, sample_count+words.shape[0]) sample_count += words.shape[0] inds.append(idx) in_data[:,idx] = words.T out_data[:,idx] = tags.T seq_lengths[idx] = lens # Set attributes self._data['classification'] = True self._data['sequence'] = True self._data['num_classes'] = 17 self._data['in_shape'] = [in_shape] self._data['out_shape'] = [out_shape] # Maximum number of timesteps, sequences will be padded to this length. self._data['num_time_steps'] = num_time_steps self._data['is_one_hot'] = True self._data['in_data'] = in_data.transpose() self._data['out_data'] = self._to_one_hot(out_data.T) self._data['train_inds'] = inds[0] self._data['test_inds'] = inds[1] self._data['val_inds'] = inds[2] self._data['in_seq_lengths'] = seq_lengths self._data['out_seq_lengths'] = seq_lengths def _plot_sample(self, fig, inner_grid, num_inner_plots, ind, inputs, outputs=None, predictions=None, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_identifier(self): """Returns the name of the dataset.""" return 'Multilingual Universal Dependencies dataset.'
[docs] def input_to_torch_tensor(self, x, device, mode='inference', force_no_preprocessing=False, sample_ids=None): """This method can be used to map the internal numpy arrays to PyTorch tensors. Note: If ``sample_ids`` are provided, then padding will be reduced according to the sample within the minibatch with the longest sequence length. Args: (....): See docstring of method :meth:`data.dataset.Dataset.input_to_torch_tensor`. Returns: (torch.LongTensor): See docstring of method :meth:`data.sequential_dataset.SequentialDataset.\ input_to_torch_tensor`. """ out_tensor = self._flatten_array(x, ts_dim_first=True, reverse=True, feature_shape=self.in_shape) y = torch.from_numpy(out_tensor).long().to(device) if sample_ids is not None: max_sl = int(self.get_in_seq_lengths(sample_ids).max()) y = y[:max_sl, :, :] assert len(y.shape) == 3 return y
[docs] def output_to_torch_tensor(self, y, device, mode='inference', force_no_preprocessing=False, sample_ids=None): """Identical to method :meth:`data.sequential_dataset.\ SequentialDataset.output_to_torch_tensor`. However, if ``sample_ids`` are provided, then the same padding behavior as elicited by method :meth:`input_to_torch_tensor` is performed. """ y = SequentialDataset.output_to_torch_tensor(self, y, device, mode=mode, force_no_preprocessing=force_no_preprocessing, sample_ids=sample_ids) if sample_ids is not None: max_sl = int(self.get_out_seq_lengths(sample_ids).max()) y = y[:max_sl, :, :] assert len(y.shape) == 3 return y
[docs] def decode_batch(self, inputs, outputs, sample_ids=None): """Decode a batch of input and output samples into strings. This method translates a batch of input and output sequences (consisting of vocabulary and tagset indices) into actual sentences consisting of strings. Note: This method is only applicable if ``vocabulary`` and ``tagset`` were provided to the constructor. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor): Input samples as provided to or returned from method :meth:`input_to_torch_tensor`. outputs (numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor): Output samples as provided to or returned from method :meth:`output_to_torch_tensor`. sample_ids (numpy.ndarray): See method :meth:`train_ids_to_indices`. If provided, the returned sentences are cropped to the actual sequence length. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: - **in_words** (list): List of list of strings, where each string corresponds to a word in the corresponding input sentence of ``inputs``. - **out_tags** (list): List of list of strings, where each string corresponds to the output tag corresponding to the tag ID read from ``outputs``. """ if self._tagset is None or self._vocab is None: raise RuntimeError('Method only callable if "tagset" and "vocab" ' + 'were passed to the constructor.') if sample_ids is not None: # Note, input and output sequences have the same length. seq_lengths = self.get_out_seq_lengths(sample_ids) if len(inputs.shape) == 2: assert outputs.shape == 2 inputs = self.input_to_torch_tensor(inputs, 'cpu', mode='inference') outputs = self.output_to_torch_tensor(outputs, 'cpu', mode='inference') assert len(inputs.shape) == len(outputs.shape) == 3 and \ inputs.shape[1] == outputs.shape[1] assert inputs.shape[2] == 1 if self.is_one_hot: assert outputs.shape[2] == len(self._tagset) if isinstance(outputs, np.ndarray): outputs = outputs.argmax(axis=2) else: _, outputs = outputs.max(dim=2) ret_ins = [] ret_outs = [] for bid in range(inputs.shape[1]): l = inputs.shape[0] if sample_ids is not None: l = int(seq_lengths[bid]) ret_ins.append( \ [self._vocab[int(i)] for i in inputs[:l, bid, 0].tolist()]) ret_outs.append( \ [self._tagset[int(i)] for i in outputs[:l, bid].tolist()]) return ret_ins, ret_outs
if __name__=='__main__': pass