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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 Benjamin Ehret
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# @title           :data/timeseries/
# @author          :be
# @contact
# @created         :02/04/2020
# @version         :1.0
# @python_version  :3.6.7
Split Audioset Dataset

The module :mod:`data.timeseries.split_audioset` contains a wrapper for data
handlers for the SplitAudioset task.
It is based on the module :mod:`data.special.split_mnist`.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from import AudiosetData

[docs]def get_split_audioset_handlers(data_path, use_one_hot=True, validation_size=0, target_per_timestep=True, num_classes_per_task=10, num_tasks=5, rseed=None): """This function instantiates ``num_tasks`` objects of the class :class:`AudiosetData` which will contain a disjoint set of labels. The SplitAudioset task consists of ``num_tasks`` tasks which consist of a classification problem with ``num_classes_per_task`` classes from our preprocessed Audioset data set. Args: (....): See docstring of class :class:`data.timeseries.audioset_data.AudiosetData`. validation_size (int): The size of the validation set of each individual data handler. num_classes_per_task (int): Number of classes to put into one data handler. If ``2``, then every data handler will include 2 classes. num_tasks (int): The number of data handlers that should be returned by this function. rseed (int, optional): The ``rseed`` is passed when constructing instances of class :class:`SplitAudioset`. In addition, it is used to shuffle the classes before splitting Audioset into tasks. Returns: (list): A list of data handlers, each corresponding to a :class:`SplitAudioset` object. """ # Set the random seed if rseed is not None: r_state = np.random.RandomState(rseed) else: r_state = np.random # parse structure of subtasks num_classes_total = 100 assert num_tasks is None or num_tasks > 0 if num_tasks is None: num_tasks = num_classes_total // num_classes_per_task if not (num_tasks >= 1 and \ (num_tasks * num_classes_per_task) <= num_classes_total): raise ValueError('Cannot create SplitAudioset datasets for %d tasks '\ % (num_tasks) + 'with %d classes per task.' \ % (num_classes_per_task)) print('Creating %d data handlers for SplitAudioSet tasks ...' % num_tasks) # Randomly shuffle the order of the classes to break the ontology order. task_order = np.arange(num_classes_total) task_order = r_state.permutation(task_order) # determine which classes go into which subtasks. # for the experiment in which we successively extend the number of classes # / tasks, the classes need to be assigned to the different tasks in a # reproducible way (between different versions of the subtask, not only # over differeet runs). This only works if we have 10 or less tasks/classes, # which is sufficient for the experiment. If the number of classes/tasks is # higher, the described reproducibility is not required anymore. task_classes = [] if num_tasks <= 10 and num_classes_per_task <= 10: task_mat = np.reshape(task_order,(10,10)) for i in range(num_tasks): task_classes.append(task_mat[i,:num_classes_per_task]) else: for i in range(num_tasks): task_classes.append(task_order[i*num_classes_per_task: (i+1)*num_classes_per_task]) handlers = [] for tc in task_classes: dhandler = SplitAudioset(data_path, validation_size=validation_size, use_one_hot=use_one_hot, target_per_timestep=target_per_timestep, rseed=rseed, labels=tc) handlers.append(dhandler) print('Creating data handlers for SplitAudioset tasks ... Done') return handlers
[docs]class SplitAudioset(AudiosetData): """An instance of the class shall represent a SplitAudioset task. Args: (....): See docstring of class :class:`data.timeseries.audioset_data.AudiosetData`. validation_size (int): The size of the validation set of each individual data handler. labels (list): The labels that should be part of this task. full_out_dim (bool): Choose the original Audioset labels instead of the new task output dimension. This option will affect the attributes :attr:`data.dataset.Dataset.num_classes` and :attr:`data.dataset.Dataset.out_shape`. """ def __init__(self, data_path, use_one_hot=True, validation_size=1000, target_per_timestep=True, rseed=None, labels=[0, 1], full_out_dim=False): # Note, we build the validation set below! super().__init__(data_path, use_one_hot=use_one_hot, validation_size=0, target_per_timestep=target_per_timestep, rseed=rseed) self._full_out_dim = full_out_dim if isinstance(labels, range): labels = list(labels) assert np.all(np.array(labels) >= 0) and \ np.all(np.array(labels) < self.num_classes) and \ len(labels) == len(np.unique(labels)) K = len(labels) self._labels = labels train_ins = self.get_train_inputs() test_ins = self.get_test_inputs() train_outs = self.get_train_outputs() test_outs = self.get_test_outputs() # Get labels. if self.is_one_hot: train_labels = self._to_one_hot(train_outs, reverse=True) test_labels = self._to_one_hot(test_outs, reverse=True) else: train_labels = train_outs test_labels = test_outs # Note, the label stays the same for all timesteps. train_labels = train_labels[:, 0] test_labels = test_labels[:, 0] assert train_labels.size == self.num_train_samples and \ test_labels.size == self.num_test_samples train_mask = train_labels == labels[0] test_mask = test_labels == labels[0] for k in range(1, K): train_mask = np.logical_or(train_mask, train_labels == labels[k]) test_mask = np.logical_or(test_mask, test_labels == labels[k]) train_ins = train_ins[train_mask, :] test_ins = test_ins[test_mask, :] train_outs = train_outs[train_mask, :] test_outs = test_outs[test_mask, :] # Old sample ids for new data, used extract correct sequence lengths. prev_train_inds = self._data['train_inds'][train_mask] prev_test_inds = self._data['test_inds'][test_mask] in_seq_lengths = np.concatenate([ \ self._data['in_seq_lengths'][prev_train_inds], self._data['in_seq_lengths'][prev_test_inds]]) out_seq_lengths = np.concatenate([ \ self._data['out_seq_lengths'][prev_train_inds], self._data['out_seq_lengths'][prev_test_inds]]) if validation_size > 0: if validation_size >= train_outs.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Validation set size must be smaller than ' + '%d.' % train_outs.shape[0]) train_inds, val_inds = train_test_split( \ np.arange(train_outs.shape[0]), test_size=validation_size, shuffle=True, random_state=rseed, stratify=train_labels[train_mask]) else: train_inds = np.arange(train_outs.shape[0]) test_inds = np.arange(train_outs.shape[0], train_outs.shape[0] + test_outs.shape[0]) outputs = np.concatenate([train_outs, test_outs], axis=0) if not full_out_dim: # Transform outputs, e.g., if 1-hot [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0] -> [0,1] # Note, the method assumes `full_out_dim` when later called by a # user. We just misuse the function to call it inside the # constructor. self._full_out_dim = True outputs = self.transform_outputs(outputs) self._full_out_dim = full_out_dim # Note, we may also have to adapt the output shape appropriately. if self.is_one_hot: self._data['out_shape'] = [len(labels)] images = np.concatenate([train_ins, test_ins], axis=0) ### Overwrite internal data structure. Only keep desired labels. # Note, we continue to pretend to be a 100 class problem, such that # the user has easy access to the correct labels and has the original # 1-hot encodings. if not full_out_dim: self._data['num_classes'] = len(labels) else: self._data['num_classes'] = 100 self._data['in_data'] = images self._data['out_data'] = outputs self._data['train_inds'] = train_inds self._data['test_inds'] = test_inds if validation_size > 0: self._data['val_inds'] = val_inds self._data['in_seq_lengths'] = in_seq_lengths self._data['out_seq_lengths'] = out_seq_lengths n_val = 0 if validation_size > 0: n_val = val_inds.size print('Created Audioset task with labels %s and %d train, %d test ' % (str(labels), train_inds.size, test_inds.size) + 'and %d val samples.' % (n_val))
[docs] def transform_outputs(self, outputs): """Transform the outputs from the 100D Audioset dataset into proper labels based on the constructor argument ``labels``. I.e., the output will have ``len(labels)`` classes. Example: Split with labels [2,3] 1-hot encodings: [0,0,0,1,...,0,0,0,0,0,0] -> [0,1] labels: 3 -> 1 Args: outputs: 2D numpy array of outputs. Returns: 2D numpy array of transformed outputs. """ if not self._full_out_dim: # TODO implement reverse direction as well. raise NotImplementedError('This method is currently only ' + 'implemented if constructor argument "full_out_dim" was set.') labels = self._labels if self.is_one_hot: feature_len = self.num_classes if self.target_per_timestep: feature_len *= self._data['num_time_steps'] assert outputs.shape[1] == feature_len # Untie the time dimension. outputs = self._flatten_array(outputs, ts_dim_first=True, reverse=True, feature_shape=self.out_shape) # Keep only the selected classes. outputs = outputs[:, :, labels] # Go back to a 2D formatting outputs = self._flatten_array(outputs, ts_dim_first=True) return outputs else: feature_len = 1 if self.target_per_timestep: feature_len = self._data['num_time_steps'] assert outputs.shape[1] == feature_len ret = outputs.copy() for i, l in enumerate(labels): ret[ret == l] = i return ret
[docs] def get_identifier(self): """Returns the name of the dataset.""" return 'SplitAudioset'
if __name__ == '__main__': pass